Analysis of pollution by heavy metals in sediments and species of commercial interest of the Galician coast

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Analysis of pollution by heavy metals in sediments and species of commercial interest of the Galician coastAutor(es)
Fernández Rodríguez, NuriaMuiño Boedo, Ramón
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de CienciasDescrición
Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2013/2014Resumo
Concentration of different heavy metals was quantified for sediments and bivalves of
commercial interest from four different areas of the Galician coast (NW-Spain).
Analysed species were, Cerastoderma edule, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Ensis siliqua,
Venerupis pullastra and Ruditapes decussatus. Higher metal contamination in
organisms than in sediments show the bioaccumulation ability of these bivalves,
specially in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and razor shells (Ensis siliqua).
Although two sampled areas are nowadays included in Natura 2000 network (Corrubedo
and Mandeo), in 2003, when sampled, they were highly polluted, specially Mandeo and
organisms from Corrubedo, these may be and indicator of different wastes and heavy
metal inputs in Mandeo and time recovering differences after an oil spill. All areas
showed metal concentration above the sediment quality guidelines proposed values by
the NOAA, numbers established by OSPAR, and concentrations established by the UE
about seafood.
Palabras chave
Heavy metals
Heavy metals
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