REV - CLXL - Vol. 37 (2013)
Recent Submissions
Geomorphological mapping of granite caves
(2013)[Abstract] The aim is to develop a mapping which represents the relief and the form (morphology) of granite caves and associated superficial structures. -
Loess caves of Austria - a preview
(2013)[Abstract] Loess caves account for a negligible amount of Austria’s caves only - despite the fact that the areas covered by loess and loess-loam comprise several thousand square kilometres. Loess can be found in the northern ... -
TL estimation of ages of pottery fragments recovered from granite caves in the NW coast of Spain
(2013)[Abstract] Granite caves and cavities are geomorphological environments associated with underground water flows with a strong turbulent regime linked to seasonality. Though not much studied, they have a great sedimentary ... -
Development trends of tafoni forms (incipient stages)
(2013)[Abstract] Forms called tafoni, diversified in different stages, are complex natural systems. The systematic register of their measurements is performed in order to infer relative ages and to use the results to reconstruct ... -
First data on testate amoebae in speleothems of caves in igneous rocks
(2013)[Abstract] The testate amoebae form part of the habitual troglobios in caves developed in igneous rocks (plutonic and volcanic) where the little light, the persistence of humidity, the availability of silica and organic ...