Browsing by Author "López-Chao, Vicente"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
A Geo-data Collection Strategy to Assess Housing in Its Social, Environmental, and Spatial Aspects
Pereira-Martínez, David; López-Chao, Vicente; Lizancos, Plácido; Borges Pereira, Virgílio (Lifelong Learning EU, 2022-02-15)[Abstract] Blocks of flats are the most abundant built element in many cities and their quality is an important issue. Undergraduate students often occupy these accommodations and this group describes a wide range of ... -
Aesthetical Appeal and Dissemination of Architectural Heritage Photographs in Instagram
López-Chao, Vicente; López-Pena, Vicente (MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] Image-based social networks are environments where users share their photographs and involuntarily contribute to evolve and to spread the meaning of things. For this reason, it is essential to use this source ... -
Analogue and Digital Access to Architectural Information
Amado, Antonio; López-Chao, Vicente (2020)[Abstract] Access to architectural information has undergone great changes due to the global use of the internet. In the digital environment, the quantity of information and its "free" availability create advantages compared ... -
Análisis gráfico y material de las lonjas de pescado en la costa de Cádiz de 1924 a 1949
Ramiro-Aparicio, Darío; López-Chao, Vicente; López-Pena, Vicente; Amado, Antonio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-02-29)[Resumen] La provisión de suministro, almacenamiento y gestión de recursos siempre ha sido un aspecto fundamental de los asentamientos a lo largo de la historia. La tipología de lonjas, dedicadas a facilitar los acuerdos ... -
AR Graphic Representation of Musical Notes for Self-Learning on Guitar
Rio-Guerra, Marta Sylvia del; Martín-Gutiérrez, Jorge; López-Chao, Vicente; Ramírez Sosa, Mario A.; Flores Parra, Rodolfo (MDPI, 2019-10-25)[Abstract] Despite being one of the most commonly self-taught instruments, and despite the ready availability of significant amounts of didactic material, the guitar is a challenging instrument to learn. This paper ... -
Architectural graphics and the experience of space. Freehand drawing and photograph to deepen on communicative qualities in linear perspective
López-Chao, Vicente; Rodríguez-Grela, María (Elsevier, 2023-10)[Abstract] Architecture communication on photo-sharing social networking services like Instagram focuses on photorealism. Meanwhile, the conceptual intention or the experience of the architectural space has less impact ... -
Architectural Graphics Research: Topics and Trends through Cluster and Map Network Analyses
López-Chao, Vicente; Amado, Antonio (2020)[Abstract] Graphic representation is a fundamental language in architecture and engineering because it facilitates the communication of any type of information. Therefore, professionals and students need continuous and ... -
Architectural indoor analysis: A holistic approach to understand the relation of higher education classrooms and academic performance
López-Chao, Vicente; Amado, Antonio; Martín-Gutiérrez, Jorge (2019)The influence of learning space on users has been broadly accepted and tested. However, the literature has focused on single factor research, instead of holistic approaches. Additionally, lower educational levels have been ... -
Augmented Reality to Facilitate Learning of the Acoustic Guitar
Martín-Gutiérrez, Jorge; Del Río Guerra, Marta Sylvia; López-Chao, Vicente; Soto Gastelum, René Hale; Valenzuela Bojórquez, José Fernando (MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] Many people wishing to learn a musical instrument opt to learn using alternative or informal methods instead of the traditional Master–Apprentice model that requires a greater cognitive load. This paper presents ... -
Científicas da antigüidade
Mato-Vázquez, Dorinda; Chao-Fernández, Rocío; Pérez Mato, Ana; López-Chao, Vicente (Universidade da Coruña, 2014)[RESUMO] Con este traballo pretendemos documentar o esforzo dalgunhas mulleres da Antigüidade que a pesar dos inmensos atrancos, infamias e discriminacións para non permitirlles “ser” de seu, deixaron a súa pegada no ... -
Classroom Indoor Environment Assessment through Architectural Analysis for the Design of Efficient Schools
López-Chao, Vicente; Amado, Antonio; Saorín, Jose Luis; De la Torre-Cantero, Jorge; Melián-Díaz, Dámari (MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] Optimization of environmental performance is one of the standards to be achieved towards designing sustainable buildings. Many researchers are focusing on zero emission building|nhowever, it is essential that ... -
Cloud-Based Collaborative 3D Modeling to Train Engineers for the Industry 4.0
Saorín, Jose Luis; De la Torre-Cantero, Jorge; Melián-Díaz, Dámari; López-Chao, Vicente (MDPI, 2019-10-27)[Abstract] In the present study, Autodesk Fusion 360 software (which includes the A360 environment) is used to train engineering students for the demands of the industry 4.0. Fusion 360 is a tool that unifies product ... -
Composición e iteración de color para desarrollar arte de concepto de entornos. Exploración de un procedimiento de análisis visual en el desarrollo creativo
López-Chao, Vicente; Meira-Rodríguez, Pedro (Universidad Diego Portales, 2023-12-30)[Resumen] El desarrollo de ideas visuales es un objetivo principal de las industrias de contenido digital, animación y videojuegos. En la etapa inicial del producto, los artistas de concepto prueban numerosas posibilidades ... -
Computer Aided Design to Produce High-Detail Models through Low Cost Digital Fabrication for the Conservation of Aerospace Heritage
Saorín, Jose Luis; López-Chao, Vicente; De la Torre-Cantero, Jorge; Díaz-Alemán, Manuel Drago (MDPI, 2019-06-06)[Abstract] Aerospace heritage requires tools that allow its transfer and conservation beyond photographs and texts. The complexity of these engineering projects can be collected through digital graphic representation. ... -
De lo conductual a lo emocional: métodos gráficos de evaluación arquitectónica
Fernández-Álvarez, Ángel J.; López-Chao, Vicente (Universidade da Coruña, 2022-12-31)[Resumen] El diseño sostenible requiere métodos de evaluación del espacio arquitectónico centrados en el usuario. Los avances de la informática y el pensamiento computacional permiten la utilización de herramientas como ... -
Descifrando el lenguaje visual de la puesta en escena
Lamosa, Ángel-José-F.; López-Chao, Vicente (Dykinson, 2023)[Resumen] La animación es una disciplina artística capaz de plasmar en una secuencia de imágenes el movimiento y las emociones de elementos inanimados que representan personajes, cosas o fluidos. Al igual que otras ... -
Drawing, Scripting, Prompting: A Critical Approach from Architectural Graphics
Fernández-Álvarez, Ángel J.; López-Chao, Vicente (Unione Italiana per il Disegno, 2023-12-31)[Abstract]: In recent years, architecture has undergone a significant transformation with the introduction of digital tools and techniques. Three prominent techniques in this context are drawing, scripting, and prompting, ... -
Un enfoque bibliométrico a los procedimientos gráficos como método de investigación
López-Chao, Vicente; Amado, Antonio; Miotto Bruscato, Underléa (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-07-15)[Resumen] Este artículo profundiza en el papel de la Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica como disciplina científica, por lo que su objetivo consiste en examinar la aceptación de procedimientos de análisis gráficos en ... -
El impacto del diseño del espacio y otras variables socio-físicas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje
López-Chao, Vicente (2016)[Abstract] Learning space is a common element in the whole teaching and learning process. Improving the understanding among the learning physical environment and student’s relationships, outcome and behaviour, can mean a ... -
Indicators Framework for Sustainable Urban Design
López Chao, Andrea; Casares-Gallego, Amparo; López-Chao, Vicente; Alvarellos, Alberto (2020)[Abstract] Climate change and sustainability have recently been object of study due to the impact on the planet and on human activity of the first and the benefits that could derive from the efficiency of the second. ...