Browsing by Author "González, Patricia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
A cloud-based enhanced differential evolution algorithm for parameter estimation problems in computational systems biology
Teijeiro, Diego; Pardo, Xoán C.; Penas, David R.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2017)[Abstract] Metaheuristics are gaining increasing recognition in many research areas, computational systems biology among them. Recent advances in metaheuristics can be helpful in locating the vicinity of the global solution ... -
A Heuristic Approach for the Automatic Insertion of Checkpoints in Message-Passing Codes
Rodríguez, Gabriel; Martín, María J.; González, Patricia; Touriño, Juan (Technische Universitaet Graz * Institut fuer Informationssysteme und Computer Medien,Graz University of Technology, Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media, 2009-08)[Abstract] Checkpointing tools may be typically implemented at two different abstraction levels: at the system level or at the application level. The latter has become a more popular alternative due to its flexibility and ... -
A parallel metaheuristic for large mixed-integer dynamic optimization problems, with applications in computational biology
Penas, David R.; Henriques, David; González, Patricia; Doallo, Ramón; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio; Banga, Julio R. (Public Library of Science, 2017)[Abstract] Background: We consider a general class of global optimization problems dealing with nonlinear dynamic models. Although this class is relevant to many areas of science and engineering, here we are interested ... -
A Portable and Adaptable Fault Tolerance Solution for Heterogeneous Applications
Losada, Nuria; Fraguela, Basilio B.; González, Patricia; Martín, María J. (Academic Press, 2017-06)[Abstract] Heterogeneous systems have increased their popularity in recent years due to the high performance and reduced energy consumption capabilities provided by using devices such as GPUs or Xeon Phi accelerators. This ... -
An approach to support generic topologies in distributed PSO algorithms in Spark
Pardo, Xoán C.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Armando De Giusti, Marcelo Naiouf, Franco Chichizola, Enzo Rucci, Laura De Giusti. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática., 2023)[Abstract] Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular population-based search algorithm that has been applied to all kinds of complex optimization problems. Although the performance of the algorithm strongly depends ... -
An Efficient Ant Colony Optimization Framework for HPC Environments
González, Patricia; Osorio, Roberto; Pardo, Xoán C.; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Elsevier, 2022)[Abstract] Combinatorial optimization problems arise in many disciplines, both in the basic sciences and in applied fields such as engineering and economics. One of the most popular combinatorial optimization methods is ... -
Analysis of Performance-impacting Factors on Checkpointing Frameworks: The CPPC Case Study
Rodríguez, Gabriel; Martín, María J.; Touriño, Juan; González, Patricia (Oxford University Press, 2011-11-01)[Abstract] This paper focuses on the performance evaluation of Compiler for Portable Checkpointing (CPPC), a tool for the checkpointing of parallel message-passing applications. Its performance and the factors that impact ... -
Assessing resilient versus stop-and-restart fault-tolerant solutions in MPI applications
Losada, Nuria; Martín, María J.; González, Patricia (Springer New York LLC, 2017-01)[Abstract] The Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard is the most popular parallel programming model for distributed systems. However, it lacks fault-tolerance support and, traditionally, failures are addressed with ... -
Assessment, Design and Implementation of a Private Cloud for MapReduce Applications
Salgueiro, M.; González, Patricia; Fernández Pena, Tomás; Cabaleiro, José Carlos (Stowarzyszenie Komputerowej Nauki o Materialach i Inzynierii Powierzchni,Association of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, 2014)[Abstract] Scientific computation and data intensive analyses are ever more frequent. On the one hand, the MapReduce programming model has gained a lot of attention for its applicability in large parallel data analyses and ... -
Compiler-Assisted Checkpointing of Parallel Codes: The Cetus and LLVM Experience
Rodríguez, Gabriel; Martín, María J.; González, Patricia; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2013)[Abstract] With the evolution of high-performance computing, parallel applications have developed an increasing necessity for fault tolerance, most commonly provided by checkpoint and restart techniques. Checkpointing tools ... -
CPPC: a compiler‐assisted tool for portable checkpointing of message‐passing applications
Rodríguez, Gabriel; Martín, María J.; González, Patricia; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2010-11-19)[Abstract] With the evolution of high‐performance computing toward heterogeneous, massively parallel systems, parallel applications have developed new checkpoint and restart necessities. Whether due to a failure in the ... -
Enhanced parallel Differential Evolution algorithm for problems in computational systems biology
Penas, David R.; Banga, Julio R.; González, Patricia; Doallo, Ramón (Elsevier BV, 2015)[Abstract] Many key problems in computational systems biology and bioinformatics can be formulated and solved using a global optimization framework. The complexity of the underlying mathematical models require the use of ... -
Evaluation of Parallel Differential Evolution Implementations on MapReduce and Spark
Teijeiro, Diego; Pardo, Xoán C.; Penas, David R.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2017-09)[Abstract] Global optimization problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, computational and systems biology and bioinformatics among them. Many research efforts have focused on developing parallel metaheuristics ... -
Extending an Application-Level Checkpointing Tool to Provide Fault Tolerance Support to OpenMP Applications
Losada, Nuria; Martín, María J.; Rodríguez, Gabriel; González, Patricia (Technische Universitaet Graz * Institut fuer Informationssysteme und Computer Medien,Graz University of Technology, Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media, 2014-09)[Abstract] Despite the increasing popularity of shared-memory systems, there is a lack of tools for providing fault tolerance support to shared-memory applications. CPPC (ComPiler for Portable Checkpointing) is an ... -
Extending the Globus Information Service with the Common Information Model
Díaz, Iván; Fernández, G.; González, Patricia; Martín, María J.; Touriño, Juan (IEEE Computer Society, 2011-07-14)[Abstract] The need of task-adapted and complete information for the management of resources is a well known issue in Grid computing. Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4) includes the Monitoring and Discovery System component (MDS4) to ... -
Failure Avoidance in MPI Applications Using an Application-Level Approach
Cores González, Iván; Rodríguez, Gabriel; González, Patricia; Martín, María J. (Oxford University Press, 2014)[Abstract] Execution times of large-scale computational science and engineering parallel applications are usually longer than the mean-time-between-failures. For this reason, hardware failures must be tolerated by the ... -
Fault tolerance of MPI applications in exascale systems: The ULFM solution
Losada, Nuria; González, Patricia; Martín, María J.; Bosilca, George; Bouteiller, Aurelien; Teranishi, Keita (Elsevier BV * North-Holland, 2020-05)[Abstract] The growth in the number of computational resources used by high-performance computing (HPC) systems leads to an increase in failure rates. Fault-tolerant techniques will become essential for long-running ... -
Hybrid parallel multimethod hyperheuristic for mixed-integer dynamic optimization problems in computational systems biology
González, Patricia; Argüeso-Alejandro, Pablo; Penas, David R.; Pardo, Xoán C.; Sáez-Rodríguez, Julio; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2019-05-08)[Abstract] This paper describes and assesses a parallel multimethod hyperheuristic for the solution of complex global optimization problems. In a multimethod hyperheuristic, different metaheuristics cooperate to outperform ... -
Implementing cloud-based parallel metaheuristics: an overview
González, Patricia; Pardo, Xoán C.; Doallo, Ramón; Banga, Julio R. (Universidad Nacional de la Plata - Facultad de Informatica, 2018-12-12)[Abstract] Metaheuristics are among the most popular methods for solving hard global optimization problems in many areas of science and engineering. Their parallel im- plementation applying HPC techniques is a common ... -
Implementing Parallel Differential Evolution on Spark
Teijeiro, Diego; Pardo, Xoán C.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2016-04-02)[Abstract] Metaheuristics are gaining increased attention as an efficient way of solving hard global optimization problems. Differential Evolution (DE) is one of the most popular algorithms in that class. However, its ...