Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • “Of medicines sedatives”: some notes on adhective position 

      Moskowich, Isabel (Faculty of English. Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), 2009)
      The position of adjectives in the English Noun Phrase is regarded as something quite fixed and pertaining to the level of syntax rather than to any other. In previous studies (Moskowich 2002; Moskowich – Crespo 2002; ...
    • The Adjective in English: The "French type" and its place in the History of Language 

      Moskowich, Isabel (Walter Mouton de Gruyter, 2002)
      [Abstract] Before proceeding to the analysis of the situation of attributive adjectives in earlier stages of the language I will be concerned with the characteristics of the category "adjective" in present day English and ...