• Classification of single normal and Alzheimer's disease individuals from cortical sources of resting state EEG rhythms 

      Babiloni, Claudio; Triggiani, Antonio I.; Lizio, Roberta; Cordone, Susanna; Tattoli, Giacomo; Bevilacqua, Vitoantonio; Soricelli, Andrea; Ferri, Raffaele; Nobili, Flavio; Gesualdo, Loreto; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos; Buján, Ana; Tortelli, Rosanna; Cardinali, Valentina; Barulli, Maria Rosaria; Giannini, Antonio; Spagnolo, Pantaleo; Armenise, Silvia; Buenza, Grazia; Scianatico, Giancarlo; Logroscino, Giancarlo; Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Percio, Claudio del (Frontiers, 2016-02-23)
      [Abstract] Previous studies have shown abnormal power and functional connectivity of resting state electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythms in groups of Alzheimer's disease (AD) compared to healthy elderly (Nold) subjects. ...
    • Functional Relevance of Resistance Training-Induced Neuroplasticity in Health and Disease 

      Hortobágyi, Tibor; Granacher, Urs; Fernández-del-Olmo, Miguel; Howatson, Glyn; Manca, Andrea; Deriu, Franca; Taube, Wolfgang; Gruber, Markus; Márquez, Gonzalo; Lundbye-Jensen, Jesper; Colomer Poveda, David (Elsevier, 2020-12-28)
      [Abstract] Repetitive, monotonic, and effortful voluntary muscle contractions performed for just a few weeks, i.e., resistance training, can substantially increase maximal voluntary force in the practiced task and can ...