Listar por Grupos de Investigación "Modelos e Métodos Numéricos en Enxeñaría e Ciencias Aplicadas (M2NICA)"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 103
A fully discrete BEM-FEM method for an exterior elasticity system in the plane
(Elsevier BV * North-Holland, 2001)[Abstract] We present a modified version of the usual BEM–FEM coupling for the exterior elasticity problem in the plane (cf. Costabel and Stephan, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 27 (1990) 1212–1226). This new formulation allows us ... -
A hybrid numerical approach to quantify directivity patterns using phaseless hydroacoustic data
(European Acoustics Association, 2023)[Abstract]: Hydroacoustic transducers have been used profusely in monitoring activities in coastal and oceanic marine environments for fishery purposes and the health evaluation of the seabed and its related biological ... -
A Lagrangian approach for solving an axisymmetric thermo-electromagnetic problem. Application to time-varying geometry processes
(Springer, 2024-05)[Abstract]: The aim of this work is to introduce a thermo-electromagnetic model for calculating the temperature and the power dissipated in cylindrical pieces whose geometry varies with time and undergoes large deformations; ... -
A low-order mixed finite element method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Part I: a priori error analysis
(Elsevier BV, 2004-03)[Abstract] We present a mixed finite element method for a class of non-linear Stokes models arising in quasi-Newtonian fluids. Our results include, as a by-product, a new mixed scheme for the linear Stokes equation. The ... -
A low-order mixed finite element method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Part II: a posteriori error analysis
(Elsevier BV, 2004-03)[Abstract] This is the second part of a work dealing with a low-order mixed finite element method for a class of nonlinear Stokes models arising in quasi-Newtonian fluids. In the first part we showed that the resulting ... -
A mixed finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2005-08-03)[Abstract] We present and analyse a new mixed finite element method for the generalized Stokes problem. The approach, which is a natural extension of a previous procedure applied to quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows, is based ... -
A Modal-Based Partition of Unity Finite Element Method for Elastic Wave Propagation Problems in Layered Media
(Elsevier, 2022)[Abstract] The time-harmonic propagation of elastic waves in layered media is simulated numerically by means of a modal-based Partition of Unity Finite Element Method (PUFEM). Instead of using the standard plane waves or ... -
A Modular Framework for Generic Quantum Algorithms
(MDPI, 2022)[Abstract] We describe a general-purpose framework to design quantum algorithms. This framework relies on two pillars: a basic data structure called quantum matrix and a modular structure based on three quasi-independent ... -
A new numerical method for pricing fixed-rate mortgages withprepayment and default options
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2016)[Abstract] In this paper we consider the valuation of fixed-rate mortgages including prepayment and default options,where the underlying stochastic factors are the house price and the interest rate. The mathematical modelto ... -
A New Technique for Improved Use of Thermal Energy from Waste Effluents
(MDPI AG, 2020-01-09)[Abstract] Energy sustainability and environmental protection in general are at the heart of engineering and industry discussions. Countless efforts have been devoted to improving the energy efficiency of industrial processes ... -
A Numerical Strategy for Telecommunications Networks Capacity Planning Under Demand and Price Uncertainty
(Elsevier BV * North-Holland, 2017-07)[Abstract] The massive use of Internet in the last twenty years has created a huge demand for telecommunications networks capacity. In this work, financial option pricing methods are applied to the problem of network ... -
A posteriori error analysis of an augmented mixed finite element method for Darcy flow
(Elsevier BV, 2015-01)[Abstract] We develop an a posteriori error analysis of residual type of stabilized mixed finite element method for Darcy flow. The stabilized formulation is obtained by adding to the standard dual-mixed approach suitable ... -
A residual based a posteriori error estimator for an augmented mixed finite element method in linear elasticity
(E D P Sciences, 2006-09)[Abstract] In this paper we develop a residual based a posteriori error analysis for an augmented mixed finite element method applied to the problem of linear elasticity in the plane. More precisely, we derive a reliable ... -
A second order characteristics finite element scheme for natural convection problems
(Elsevier, 2011-01-31)[Abstract]: In this paper a second order characteristics finite element scheme is applied to the numerical solution of natural convection problems. Firstly, after recalling the mathe-matical model, a second order time ... -
A Second-Order Linear Newmark Method for Lagrangian Navier-Stokes Equations
(Springer Nature, 2018-11-03)[Abstract]: In this paper we propose a second-order pure Lagrange-Galerkin method for the numerical solution of free surface problems in fluid mechanics. We consider a viscous, incompressible Newtonian fluid in a time ... -
A Survey on Quantum Computational Finance for Derivatives Pricing and VaR
(Springer, 2022-10)[Abstract]: We review the state of the art and recent advances in quantum computing applied to derivative pricing and the computation of risk estimators like Value at Risk. After a brief description of the financial ... -
A Two-Dimensional Multi-Species Model for Different Listeria Monocytogenes Biofilm Structures and Its Numerical Simulation
(Elsevier BV, 2020-11-01)[Abstract] In this work we propose a two-dimensional multi-species model to describe the dynamics of biofilms formed by the pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. Different Listeria monocytogenes strains produce ... -
Adaptive mixed FEM combined with the method of characteristics for stationary convection–diffusion–reaction problems
(Elsevier B.V., 2023-12-01)[Abstract]: We consider a stationary convection–diffusion–reaction model problem in a two- or three-dimensional bounded domain. We approximate this model by a non-stationary problem and propose a numerical method that ... -
Adjoint method for parameter identification problems in models of stirred tank chemical reactors
(Elsevier; Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2017-05-03)[Abstract]: In this paper an adjoint-based algorithm for parameter identification problems in systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is presented. This is done by solving a minimization problem in which the cost ... -
AMFR-W Numerical Methods for Solving High-Dimensional SABR/LIBOR PDE Models
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2021-01)[Abstract]: In this work, we mainly develop a new numerical methodology to solve a PDE model recently proposed in the literature for pricing interest rate derivatives. More precisely, we use high-order-in-time AMFR-W-methods, ...