Listar por autor "Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 46
A New Approach To Expandable Structures: Crossed Expandable Frames (X-Frames)
Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Suárez-Riestra, Félix (IASS, 2019)The use of expandable structures in the field of building began in the 1960s, based on the pioneering work of Emilio Pérez Piñero. They underwent significant developments at the end of the 20th century, with typologies ... -
A New Building System: Structural Aspects of CotaCero System
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Hermo, Víctor; Rodríguez-Cheda, José Benito (Francis & Taylor, 2013)[Abstract] A serious problem of the construction of buildings is produced by the need to work at high levels. This implies a high risk to workers and increases the cost and timing of the work. -
A new reciprocal linkage for expandable emergency structures
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Elsevier, 2020)Expandable structures have certain qualities in terms of lightness and transportability which make them very useful as emergency buildings, a research line that is being developed by the authors. However, these structures ... -
A new system of deployable structures with reciprocal linkages for emergency buildings
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; López-César, Isaac; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Elsevier, 2021)Deployable structures are a good solution for emergency buildings, due to their lightness and compact nature which means they can be transported to where they are needed. Nevertheless, the deployable structures studied to ... -
A New Type of Reciprocal Structures: Deployable Yurts for Emergency Situations
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; López-César, Isaac; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (2021-01-11)[Abstract] Deployable structures are a good solution for emergency buildings due to their lightweight and compact characteristics that allow them to be transported to wherever they are needed, especially in emergency ... -
Application of a New System of Self-Tensioning to the Design of Large-Span Wood Floor Framings
Otero-Chans, Dolores; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (ASCE, 2016)[Abstract] This study describes a self-tensioning system in which the gravitational loads acting on a horizontal structural element are automatically converted to a posttensioning force on that component. The self-tensioning ... -
Application of a new system of self-tensioning to the design of large-span wood floor framings
Otero-Chans, Dolores; Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers, 2016)[Abstract]This study describes a self-tensioning system in which the gravitational loads acting on a horizontal structural element are automatically converted to a post-tensioning force on that component. The self-tensioning ... -
Bases del cálculo no lineal de estructuras desplegables espaciales
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Escrig Pallares, Félix (Universidade da Coruña, 1987) -
Casos singulares de orientación de las iglesias románicas
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (Amigos del Románico, 2018) -
Construcción izada: condicionantes estructurales del sistema REVERSTOP
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Hermo, Víctor (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2020-07)[Resumen] Un gran problema para la construcción de edificios es la construcción en altura, lo que supone un riesgo para los trabajadores y un mayor costo. El sistema REVERSTOP permite la construcción a nivel del suelo y ... -
Las cubiertas desplegables de malla cuadrangular
Escrig Pallares, Félix; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Sánchez Sánchez, José (Universidade da Coruña, 1996) -
Deployable Bundle Modulus Structures With Reciprocal Linkages for Emergency Buildings
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; López-César, Isaac; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Elsevier, 2021-10-01)[Abstract] Deployable structures are an ideal solution for emergency buildings because of their lightness and compactness, allowing them to be transported to wherever they are needed. Generally the most frequent solutions ... -
Deployable cylindrical vaults using dual-folding multiple crossed arches for emergency buildings
López-César, Isaac; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Suárez-Riestra, Félix (Elsevier, 2024-12)[Abstract] This article describes a new deployable structural system referred to as a dual-folding multiple cross-arch cylindrical vault. The development of the system is described, based on the methodology detailed by ... -
Deployable Cylindrical Vaults With Reciprocal Linkages for Emergency Buildings
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; López-César, Isaac; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Elsevier, 2021-10)[Abstract] Deployable bar structures are especially useful for emergency buildings. These structures require simplicity and ease of assembly and their performance can be improve by using reciprocal linkage at their bars ... -
Deployable space grids with lockable joints
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Sage Publications Ltd., 2021-03-17)[Abstract] The use of deployable structures in architecture began in the 1960s, based on the pioneering work of Emilio Pérez Piñero. It has had an interesting development using bundle or scissor modules, but with solutions ... -
Desarrollo de modelos de análisis numérico mediante la utilización de archivos de intercambio
Martín-Gutiérrez, Emilio; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (Universidade da Coruña, 2012)[Resumen] El presente artículo describe los avances efectuados en el ámbito de la generación de modelos de análisis numérico, combinando técnicas de diseño asistido por ordenador y de programación para lograr un intercambio ... -
Dimensioning influence on the final critical stage of double-layer space trusses
Estévez-Cimadevila, Javier; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1992)[Abstract] The present paper suggests the application of a non-linear model of analysis to study the final critical stage of double-Iayer space trusses. A description of the analysis techniques is proposed to take into ... -
Errores en la determinación del peso propio de las estructuras
Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (Universidade da Coruña, 1985) -
Estructuras desplegables de aspas para cubiertas inclinadas
Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas, 2019)[Resumen]La atención a la evacuación del agua de lluvia y a la protección de la estructura ante los agentes meteorológicos ha dado lugar a un conjunto de propuestas de estructuras desplegables de aspas sobre planta ... -
Estructuras desplegables de aspas para cubiertas inclinadas
Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (2019)[Resumen] La atención a la evacuación del agua de lluvia y a la protección de la estructura ante los agentes meteorológicos ha dado lugar a un conjunto de propuestas de estructuras desplegables de aspas sobre planta ...