Listar por autor "Muñiz, Javier"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 153
A new index to predict quality of anticoagulation control in patients on vitamin K antagonists: the DAFNE score
Barrios, Vivencio; Escobar, Carlos; Prieto, Luis; Polo, Jose; Muñiz, Javier; Anguita, Manuel; Lip, Gregory Y.H. (Future Science, 2020-12-17)[Abstract] Aim: To derive a new clinical score to improve the prediction of those at risk of poor International Normalized Ratio control among patients with atrial fibrillation taking vitamin K antagonists. Materials & ... -
Adecuación del tratamiento de los pacientes hipertensos con síndrome metabólico
Barrios, Vivencio; Escobar, Carlos; Calderón, Alberto; Llisterri, José L.; Alegría, Eduardo; Muñiz, Javier; Matalí, Arantxa (Elsevier, 2007)[Resumen] Fundamento y objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido conocer el tratamiento de los pacientes hipertensos con síndrome metabólico (SM) asistidos en atención primaria y el grado de control de la presión ... -
Adolescent/adult sensory profile for spanish population: a pilot study of internal reliability and discriminant validity
Gándara-Gafo, Berta; Santos-del-Riego, Sergio; Beaudry-Bellefeuille, Isabelle; Muñiz, Javier (Taylor & Francis, 2023-03-20)[Abstract] Sensory issues impact participation and are frequent in people with schizophrenia. To provide clinicians in Spain with reliable and valid tools to assess sensory integration in adult mental health, we analyzed ... -
AGT haplotype in ITGA4 gene is related to antibody-mediated rejection in heart transplant patients
Núñez, Lucía; Marrón Liñares, Grecia Manuela; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Álvarez López, Eloy; Suárez-Fuentetaja, Natalia; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Pombo-Otero, Jorge; Muñiz, Javier; Tan, Carmela D.; Rene Rodríguez, E.; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel (Stanislaw Stepkowski,, 2019-07-23)[Abstract] Introduction. One of the main problems involved in heart transplantation (HT) is antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). Many aspects of AMR are still unresolved, including its etiology, diagnosis and treatment. ... -
Analysis of variants in the HCN4 gene and in three single nucleotide polymorphisms of the CYP3A4 gene for association with ivabradine reduction in heart rate: a preliminary report
Núñez, Lucía; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Marrón Liñares, Grecia Manuela; Suárez-Fuentetaja, Natalia; Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Marzoa Rivas, Raquel; Grille Cancela, Zulaika; Muñiz, Javier; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Hermida-Prieto, Manuel (Via Médica, 2016)[Abstract] Background: Ivabradine, a selective bradycardic drug, inhibits the If. In patients with heart failure (HF), ivabradine reduces the risk of rehospitalization and mortality. The average heart rate (HR) reduction ... -
Angiografía coronaria por tomografía computarizada en diabéticos asintomáticos
Bouzas-Mosquera, Alberto; Viladés-Medel, David; Muñiz, Javier (Elsevier, 2023-04-03) -
Angiographically guided complete revascularization versus selective stress echocardiography–guided revascularization in patients with ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel disease: the CROSS-AMI randomized clinical trial
Calviño-Santos, Ramón; Estévez-Loureiro, Rodrigo; Peteiro-Vázquez, Jesús; Salgado-Fernández, Jorge; Rodríguez-Vilela, Alejandro; Franco-Gutiérrez, Raúl; Bouzas-Mosquera, Alberto; Rodríguez-Fernández, José Ángel; Mesías-Prego, Alejandro; González-Juataney, Carlos; Aldama-López, Guillermo; Piñón-Esteban, Pablo; Flores-Ríos, Xacobe; Soler-Martín, Rita; Seoane-Pillado, Teresa; Vázquez-González, Nicolás; Muñiz, Javier; Vázquez-Rodríguez, José Manuel (American Heart Association, 2019-09-26)[Abstract] Background: Recent trials suggest that complete revascularization in patients with acute ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel disease is associated with better outcomes than infarct-related ... -
Aortic injuries in crush trauma patients: different mechanism, different management
Mosquera, Victor X.; Marini Díaz, Milagros; Muñiz, Javier; López-Pérez, José Manuel; Gulías, Daniel; Cuenca, José J. (Elsevier, 2011)[Abstract] Background. The objective of this study is to report the clinical and radiological characteristics and early and long-term survival of a series of acute traumatic aortic injuries (ATAI) in crush trauma patients, ... -
Association of body mass index with clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: a report from the FANTASIIA Registry
Bertomeu-González, Vicente; Moreno-Arribas, José; Esteve-Pastor, María Asunción; Roldán Rabadán, Inmaculada; Muñiz, Javier; Raña-Míguez, Paula; Ruiz Ortiz, Martín; Cequier, Ángel; Bertomeu-Martínez, Vicente; Badimón, Lina; Anguita, Manuel; Lip, Gregory; Marín, Francisco (NLM, 2019-12-24)[Abstract] Background. Obesity and atrial fibrillation (AF) frequently coexist and independently increase mortality. We sought to assess the association between obesity and adverse events in patients receiving oral ... -
Association of the KDIGO risk classification with the prevalence of heart failure in patients with type 2 diabetes
Gimeno-Orna, José Antonio; Rodríguez-Padial, Luis; Anguita-Sánchez, Manuel; Barrios, Vivencio; Muñiz, Javier; Pérez, Antonio (MDPI, 2021-10-09)[Abstract] The objectives of this study were to determine the main characteristics associated with the presence of heart failure (HF) in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and specifically to assess the association of ... -
Blood pressure and lipid goal attainment in the hypertensive population in the primary care setting in Spain
Barrios, Vivencio; Escobar, Carlos; Llisterri, José L.; Echarri, Rocío; Alegría, Eduardo; Muñiz, Javier; Matalí, Arantxa (Wiley, 2007-05-10)[Abstract] Although blood pressure (BP) control is crucial in hypertensive patients, clinical practice guidelines agree that the goal of treatment should be aimed at not only decreasing BP but reducing global cardiovascular ... -
Blunt traumatic aortic injuries of the ascending aorta and aortic arch: a clinical multicentre study
Mosquera Rodríguez, Víctor Xesús; Marini Díaz, Milagros; Muñiz, Javier; Gulias, Daniel; Asorey-Veiga, Vanesa; Adrio-Nazar, Belén; Herrera, José M.; Pradas-Montilla, Gonzalo; Cuenca, José J. (Elsevier, 2012)[Abstract] Objective. To report the clinical and radiological characteristics, management and outcomes of traumatic ascending aorta and aortic arch injuries. Methods. Historic cohort multicentre study including 17 major ... -
Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica sistólica en España: resultados del estudio VIDA-IC
Comín, Josep; Anguita, Manuel; Formiga, Francesc; Almenar, Luis; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Manzano, Luis; Muñiz, Javier; Chaves, José; Frutos, Trinidad de; Enjuanes, Cristina (Elsevier, 2015-12-23)[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca está afectada. Hay poca información sobre los factores clínicos asociados a esta mala calidad de ... -
Cancer in patients with heart failure: incidence, risk factors and prognostic impact
Sagastagoitia-Fornie, Marta; Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Barge-Caballero, Gonzalo; Couto-Mallón, David; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Enríquez-Vázquez, Daniel; Blanco-Canosa, Paula; Grille-Cancela, Zulaika; Jiménez-Navarro, Manuel; Muñiz, Javier; Vázquez-Rodríguez, José M.; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa (Elsevier, 2022-09-16)[Abstract] Aims: To assess the incidence of cancer diagnosis and cancer-related mortality in patients with heart failure (HF). Methods: Observational study based in a prospective cohort of patients with HF referred to ... -
Cancer incidence in heart transplant recipients with previous neoplasia history
Delgado Jiménez, Juan Francisco; Alonso-Pulpón, Luis; Mirabet, Sonia; Almenar-Bonet, Luis; Villa, F.P.; González-Vílchez, Francisco; Palomo, Jesús; Blasco-Peiró, Teresa; García-Cosío, M. Dolores; González-Costello, José; De la Fuente-Galán, Luis; Rábago, Gregorio; Lage-Gallé, Ernesto; Pascual Figal, Domingo A.; Molina, B.D.; Arizón-del-Prado, José M.; Muñiz, Javier; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa (Wiley, 2016-02-03)[Abstract] Neoplasm history increases morbidity and mortality after solid organ transplantation and has disqualified patients from transplantation. Studies are needed to identify factors to be considered when deciding on ... -
Cardiopatía estructural en pacientes anticoagulados con fibrilación auricular no valvular: prevalencia y perfil clínico en una muestra nacional
Ruiz Ortiz, Martín; Roldán, Inmaculada; Bertomeu, Vicente; Muñiz, Javier; Marín, Francisco; Anguita, Manuel (Sociedad Española de Cardiología, 2016-07-21) -
Cardiovascular risk in the elderly population of Spain: the EPICARDIAN risk score
Gabriel, Rafael; Muñiz, Javier; Vega, Saturio; Moral, Irene; Pérez-Castro, Teresa-Rosalía; Rodríguez-Salvanés, Francisco; Suárez, C.; Novella, Blanca; Brotons, Carlos (Elsevier, 2021-09-24)[Abstract] Background and objectives: Cardiovascular risk estimation in people over 70 years of age is problematic. Most scores have been created based on cohorts of middle-aged people, with an underrepresentation of older ... -
Characteristics of women with type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart failure in Spain: the DIABET-IC study
Rodríguez-Padial, Luis; Pérez, Antonio; Anguita Sánchez, Manuel; Barrios, Vivencio; Gimeno Orna, José Antonio; Muñiz, Javier (Via Medica, 2023-02-27)[Abstract] Background: Heart failure (HF) is the second most common initial presentation of cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). T2DM carries an increased risk of HF in women. The aim of ... -
Choice of new oral anticoagulant agents versus vitamin K antagonists in atrial fibrillation: FANTASIIA study
Moreno-Arribas, José; Bertomeu-González, Vicente; Anguita, Manuel; Cequier, Ángel; Muñiz, Javier; Castillo-Castillo, Jesús; Sanchis, Juan; Roldán, Inmaculada; Marín, Francisco; Bertomeu-Martínez, Vicente (SAGE, 2015-07-30)[Abstract] Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events. Many patients with AF receive chronic anticoagulation, either with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) or with non-VKA ... -
Chronic anemia in heart transplant patients: prevalence, risk factors, and prognostic significance
Cursack, Guillermo C.; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Muñiz, Javier; Naya, Carmen; Grille Cancela, Zulaika; Rodríguez-Fernández, José Ángel; Marzoa Rivas, Raquel; Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Ríos, Ramón; Estévez, Francisco; Cuenca, José J.; Juffé-Stein, Alberto; Castro-Beiras, Alfonso (Elsevier, 2007)[Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Data on chronic anemia following heart transplantation (HT) are scarce and contradictory. Our aims were to determine the prevalence of chronic anemia after HT, to identify predisposing ...