• A numerical refraction-diffraction model in the ray-front coordinate system 

      Iglesias Rodríguez, Gregorio; Acinas García, Juan R.; Colominas, Ignasi (Computational mechanics: new trends and applications (CD-ROM), 1998)
      [Resument] A model for the propagation of water waves is presented, which retrieves the concepts of rays and fronts from the geometrical optics approximation. Their definition here is nevertheless different in that it ...
    • A particle numerical approach based on the SPH method for computational fluid Mechanics 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2004)
      [Abstract] Meshfree methods have experimented an important improvement in the last decade. Actually, we can say that the emerging meshless technology constitutes the most promising tool to simulate complex problems in ...
    • A reduced-dissipation WENO scheme with automatic dissipation adjustment 

      Fernández-Fidalgo, Javier; Ramírez, Luis; Tsoutsanis, Panagiotis; Colominas, Ignasi; Nogueira, Xesús (Elsevier, 2020)
      [Abstract:] In this paper, we propose a novel modification to the WENO-family schemes to reduce its intrinsic dissipation. In this work, we focus on the WENO5 scheme, which is rewritten in terms of a central plus a dissipative ...
    • A stabilized finite element approach for advective-diffusive transport problems 

      Figueroa Álvarez, Carlos Alberto; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1999)
      [Abstract] As it is well-know, the numerical simulation in fluid mechanics is quite difficult specially when the velocity of the fluid is important. These problems are reflected in the apparearance of numerical oscillations ...
    • A unified approach for high order sensitivity analysis 

      Navarrina, Fermín; Colominas, Ignasi; Juanes, Rubén; Bendito Pérez, Enrique; Casteleiro, Manuel (Computational Mechanics Publications, 2001)
      [Abstract] Many engineering problems require solving PDEs by means of numerical methods (type FEM/BEM) which sensivity analysis entails taking derivatives of functions defined through integration. In sizing optimization ...
    • A validation of the boundary element method for grounding grid design and computation 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, CIMNE (Barcelona), 1992)
      [Abstract] Several widespread intuitive techniques developed during the last two decades for substation grounding analysis, such as the Average Potential Method (APM), have been recently identified as particular cases of ...
    • A very accurate Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian meshless method for Computational Aeroacoustics 

      Nogueira, Xesús; Ramírez, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi; Khelladi, Sofiane; Krimi, Abdelkader (Elsevier, 2018)
      [Abstract:] In this work, we propose a new meshless approach based on a Galerkin discretization of a set of conservation equations on an Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian framework. In particular, we solve the Linearized Euler ...
    • A Well-Balanced SPH-ALE Scheme for Shallow Water Applications 

      Prieto Arranz, Alberto; Ramírez, Luis; Couceiro, Iván; Colominas, Ignasi; Nogueira, Xesús (Springer, 2021)
      [Abstract] In this work, a new discretization of the source term of the shallow water equations with non-flat bottom geometry is proposed to obtain a well-balanced scheme. A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Arbitrary ...
    • An a posteriori, efficient, high-spectral resolution hybrid finite-difference method for compressible flows 

      Fernández-Fidalgo, Javier; Nogueira, Xesús; Ramírez, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi (Elsevier, 2018)
      [Abstract:] A high-order hybrid method consisting of a high-accurate explicit finite-difference scheme and a Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme is proposed in this article. Following this premise, two ...
    • An efficient MP algorithm for structural shape optimization problems 

      Navarrina, Fermín; Tarrech i Masdeu, Ramón; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Gómez Calviño, Javier; Casteleiro, Manuel (Computational Mechanics Publications, 2001)
      [Abstract] Integral methods -such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Boundary Element Method (BEM)- are frequently used in structural optimization problems to solve systems of partial differential equations. ...
    • An enriched meshless numerical approach for potential theory problems 

      Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (The International Center of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2000)
      [Abstract] One of the meshless thechniques that have been recently proposed for solving Boundary Value Problems is the so-called Weighted Least Square (WLS) Method with a Point Collocation approach. Meshless methods were ...
    • Analysis of transferred earth potentials in grounding systems: a BEM numerical approach 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (IEEE Power Engineering Society, 2003)
      [Abstract] In this work we present a numerical formulation for the analysis of a common problem in electrical engineering practice, that is, the existence of transferred earth potentials in a grounding installation [1]. ...
    • Analytical integration techniques for earthing grid computation by boundary element methods 

      Navarrina, Fermín; Colominas, Ignasi; Casteleiro, Manuel (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, CIMNE (Barcelona), 1992)
      [Abstract] Analysis and design of substation earthing involves computing the equivalent resistance of grounding systems, but also distribution of potentials on the earth surface due to fault currents [1]. While very crude ...
    • Análisis de formulaciones numéricas SPH para la resolución de problemas de flujo con superficie libre 

      Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2002)
      [Abstract] El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar las distintas formulaciones tipo Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) propuestas para aplicaciones a problemas de fluidos, especialmente los relacionados con flujo en ...
    • Aplicación de una formulación de elementos finitos para la resolución del flujo en unidades de proceso de aguas residuales 

      Vellando, Pablo; Puertas, Jerónimo; Colominas, Ignasi; Suárez-López, Joaquín; Gil de Bernabé, José (Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua, 2003)
      [Resumen] En el presente trabajo se exponen los resultados de la aplicación de una formulación numérica propuesta por los autores, en la resolución de varios problemas de flujo relacionados con el tratamiento de aguas ...
    • Aplicación de una formulación numérica de elementos finitos para el estudio de problemas de transporte convectivo en zonas portuarias 

      Figueroa Álvarez, Carlos Alberto; Colominas, Ignasi; Iglesias Rodríguez, Gregorio; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1999)
      [Resumen] La ecuación diferencial del trasporte por convección-difusión permite modelizar un gran número de procesos de interés en la ingeniería. Así, fenómenos com el estudio de la distribución de temperaturas en una pieza ...
    • Application of meshless methods to the analysis and design of grounding systems 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Chao López, Mar; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Centro Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1998)
      [Abstract] Analysis and design of grounding systems of electrical installations involves computing the potential distribution in the earth and the equivalent resistance of the system. Several numerical formulations based ...
    • Boundary element formulation for the analysis of transferred potentials in electrical installations 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Elsevier, 2004)
      [Abstract] In this work we present a BEM numerical formulation for the analysis of a common problem in electrical engineering practice, that is, the existence of transferred earth potentials in a grounding installation ...
    • Cálculo de potenciales transferidos en grandes sistemas de redes de tierra de subestaciones eléctricas 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Gómez Calviño, Javier; Casteleiro, Manuel (Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, 2001)
      [Resumen] En este artículo se presenta el análisis mediante una formulación numérica de elementos de contorno de un problema común en la ingeniería eléctrica como es la existencia de potenciales transferidos en una instalación ...
    • Cálculo y diseño asistido por ordenador de tomas de tierra para subestaciones eléctricas 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2002)
      [Resumen] En este trabajo se presenta una formulaci´on num´erica para el c´alculo y dise˜no asistido por ordenador de tomas de tierra que es aplicable a un amplio rango de instalaciones el´ectricas reales. La formulaci´on ...