• Fasting and postprandial plasma ghrelin levels are decreased in patients with liver failure previous to liver transplantation 

      Diz-Lois, María Teresa; García-Buela, Jesús; Suárez, Francisco; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Vidal, Ovidio; Cordido, Fernando (Spirnger, 2009-04-11)
      [Abstract] Anorexia is a problem of paramount importance in patients with advanced liver failure. Ghrelin has important actions on feeding and weight homeostasis. Concentrations of ghrelin are controversial in liver ...
    • FNDC5 expression and circulating irisin levels are modified by diet and hormonal conditions in hypothalamus, adipose tissue and muscle 

      Varela-Rodríguez, Bárbara María; Pena-Bello, Lara; Juiz-Valiña, Paula; Vidal Bretal, Beatriz; Cordido, Fernando; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana (Nature, 2016-07-19)
      [Abstract] Irisin is processed from fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5 (FNDC5). However, a controversy exists concerning irisin origin, regulation and function. To elucidate the relationship between serum ...
    • Fructose transporter Glut5 expression in clear renal cell carcinoma 

      Medina Villaamil, Vanessa; Aparicio Gallego, Guadalupe; Valbuena Ruvira, L.; García Campelo, R.; Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel; Grande Pulido, Enrique; Bolós Fernández, Victoria; Santamarina, Isabel; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M. (Spandidos, 2010-12-10)
      [Abstract] Renal cell carcinomas (RCC) can be subclassified for general purposes into clear cell, papillary cell, chromophobe cell carcinomas and oncocytomas. Other tumours such as collecting duct, medullary, mucinous ...
    • Función endocrina en la obesidad 

      Álvarez Castro, Paula; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Brandón-Sandá, Iria; Cordido, Fernando (Elsevier, 2011-08-06)
      [Resumen] La obesidad se asocia con importantes anomalías en la función endocrina. La hiper insulinemia y la resistencia a la insulina son las dos alteraciones mejor conocidas, aunque sus mecanismos y su significado clínico ...
    • Ghrelin and growth hormone secretagogues, physiological and pharmacological aspect 

      Cordido, Fernando; Isidro, María Luisa; Nemina, Rosa; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana (Bentham Science, 2009)
      [Abstract] The first “growth hormone secretagogues” (GHSs) were discovered by Bowers et al. in 1977. In 1996 the GHSs receptor (GHS-R 1a) was cloned. The endogenous ligand for this receptor, ghrelin, was not identified ...
    • Ghrelin and lipid metabolism: key partners in energy balance 

      Varela, Luis; Vázquez, María J.; Cordido, Fernando; Nogueiras, Rubén; Vidal-Puig, Antonio; Diéguez, Carlos; López, Miguel (Bioscientifica para Society for Endocrinoloogy, 2011-04-01)
      [Abstract] Ghrelin, the endogenous ligand of the GH secretagogue receptor, has a pleiotropic role in the modulation of energy balance. Recent evidence has demonstrated that besides its orexigenic role, ghrelin regulates ...
    • Ghrelin in obesity, physiological and pharmacological considerations 

      Álvarez-Castro, Paula; Pena, Lara; Cordido, Fernando (Bentham, 2013-04)
      [Abstract] The aim of this review is to summarize the physiological and pharmacological aspects of ghrelin. Obesity can be defined as an excess of body fat and is associated with significant disturbances in metabolic and ...
    • Ghrelin neutralization during fasting-refeeding cycle impairs the recuperation of body weight and alters hepatic energy metabolism 

      Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Helming, Steffen; Vázquez, María J.; Klussmann, Sven; Cordido, Fernando (Elsevier, 2011)
      [Abstract] Ghrelin, a hormone whose levels increase during food deprivation, plays a pivotal role in the regulation of food intake, energy metabolism and storage, as well as in insulin sensitivity. Here, we investigated ...
    • Glucose and lipid dysmetabolism in a rat model of prediabetes induced by a high-sucrose diet 

      Burgeiro, Ana; Cerqueira, Manuela G.; Varela-Rodríguez, Bárbara María; Nunes, Sara; Neto, Paula; Pereira, Frederico C.; Reis, Flávio; Carvalho, Eugénia (Multidisciplinary Dixital Publishing Institute, 2017-06-21)
      [Abstract] Glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity are key features of type 2 diabetes mellitus, but their molecular nature during the early stages of the disease remains to be elucidated. We aimed to characterize glucose and lipid ...
    • Glucose metabolism outcomes after pituitary surgery in patients with acromegaly 

      Pascual-Corrales, Eider; Biagetti, Betina; Marazuela, Mónica; Asensio-Wandosel, Diego; Rodríguez-Berrocal, Víctor; Irigaray Echarri, Ana; Novo-Rodríguez, Cristina; Calatayud, María; Bernabéu, Ignacio; Álvarez-Escola, Cristina; Tenorio-Jiménez, Carmen; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Iglesias, Pedro; Blanco, Concepción; de Miguel, Paz; López Mezquita, Elena; Lamas, Cristina; Aulinas, Anna; Gracia, Paola; Recio-Córdova, José María; Sampedro-Núñez, Miguel; Paja, Miguel; Moure Rodríguez, María Dolores; Fajardo-Montañana, Carmen; Cordido, Fernando; Menéndez Torre, Edelmiro; Percovich, Juan Carlos; García-Centeno, Rogelio; Cámara, Rosa; Hanzu, Felicia Alexandra; Vicente Delgado, Almudena; González Fernández, Laura; Guerrero-Pérez, Fernando; Ollero García-Agulló, María Dolores; Novoa-Testa, Iría; Villar-Taibo, Rocío; Benítez Valderrama, Pamela; Abellán Galiana, Pablo; Venegas Moreno, Eva; Vidal-Ostos De Lara, Fernando; Enseñat, Joaquim; Aznar, Silvia; Asla, Queralt; Avilés-Pérez, María Dolores; Puig-Domingo, Manel; Araújo-Castro, Marta (Springer Nature, 2024-06-28)
      [Abstract] Aim. To investigate the impact of pituitary surgery on glucose metabolism and to identify predictors of remission of diabetes after pituitary surgery in patients with acromegaly. Methods. A national multicenter ...
    • Glucose transporter expression and the potential role of fructose in renal cell carcinoma: a correlation with pathological parameters 

      Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Medina Villaamil, Vanessa; Blanco, Moisés; Valbuena Ruvira, L.; Rois, José Manuel; Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel; García Campelo, Rosario; Bolós Fernández, Victoria; Grande Pulido, Enrique (Spandidos, 2010-07-01)
      [Abstract] All mammalian cells contain one or more members of the facilitative glucose transporter (GLUT) gene family. Glucose transporter membrane proteins (GLUT) regulate the movement of glucose between the extracellular ...
    • Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist-induced pituitary adenoma apoplexy and casual finding of a parathyroid carcinoma: a case report and review of literature 

      Triviño, Vanessa; Fidalgo, Olga; Juane, Antía; Pombo-Otero, Jorge; Cordido, Fernando (Baishideng Publishing Group, 2019-10-26)
      [Absatract] BACKGROUND Pituitary apoplexy represents one of the most serious, life threatening endocrine emergencies that requires immediate management. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) can induce pituitary ...
    • Growth hormone, ghrelin and peptide YY secretion after oral glucose administration in healthy and obese women 

      Outeiriño-Blanco, Elena; García-Buela, Jesús; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia; Martínez-Ramonde, T.; Cordido, Fernando (Thieme, 2011-06-10)
      [Abstract] The mechanism of the altered GH secretion in obesity is unclear. There is evidence that oral glucose (OG) administration initially decreases and subsequently stimulates GH secretion. Ghrelin is a peptide that ...
    • Hipopituitarismo y neurohipófisis 

      Gaztambide, Sonia; Cordido, Fernando; Halperin, Irene; Sanabria, Concepción; Villabona, Carles (Elsevier, 2010-03)
    • How a bottom-up multi-stakeholder initiative helped transform the renal replacement therapy landscape in Spain 

      Selgas, Rafael; Rodríguez, Laura; Julián, Juan Carlos; Remón, César; Prieto-Velasco, Mario; Pérez-Contreras, Javier; Pérez-Fontán, Miguel (Springer, 2017-03-06)
      [Abstract] Healthcare reforms aim to change certain parts of the health system to improve quality of care, access, or financial sustainability. Traditionally, healthcare reform is understood as an action undertaken by a ...
    • Hypothalamic miR-30 regulates puberty onset via repression of the puberty-suppressing factor, Mkrn3 

      Heras, Violeta; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Manfredi-Lozano, María; Sánchez-Tapia, María J.; Ruiz-Pino, Francisco; Roa, Juan; Lara-Chica, Maribel; Morrugares-Carmona, Rosario; Jouy, Nathalie; Abreu, Ana P.; Prevot, Vincent; Belsham, Denise; Vázquez, María J.; Calzado, Marco A.; Pinilla, Leonor; Gaytán, Francisco; Latronico, Ana C.; Kaiser, Ursula B.; Castellano, Juan M.; Tena-Sempere, Manuel (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2019-11-07)
      [Abstract] Mkrn3, the maternally imprinted gene encoding the makorin RING-finger protein-3, has recently emerged as putative pubertal repressor, as evidenced by central precocity caused by MKRN3 mutations in humans; ...
    • Identification of targets for prevention of peritoneal catheter tunnel and exit-site infections in low incidence settings 

      Santos, Clara; Pérez-Fontán, Miguel; Rodríguez-Carmona, Ana; Calvo-Rodríguez, María; López-Muñiz, Andrés; López-Calviño, Beatriz; García Falcón, María Teresa (SAGE, 2016-01-01)
      [Abstract] ♦ Background: Peritoneal catheter tunnel and exit-site infection (TESI) complicates the clinical course of peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Adherence to recommendations for catheter insertion, exit-site care, ...
    • Influence of age on rat bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells potential 

      Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio; Fernández-Pernas, Pablo; Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel; De-Toro, Javier; Oreiro, Natividad; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Mateos, Jesús; Arufe, M.C. (Nature, 2015-11-19)
      [Abstract] Mesenchymal stem cells promising role in cell-based therapies and tissue engineering appears to be limited due to a decline of their regenerative potential with increasing donor age. Six age groups from bone ...
    • Influence of ghrelin and growth hormone deficiency on AMP-activated protein kinase and hypothalamic lipid metabolism 

      Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Varela, Luis; Vázquez, María J.; Boit, K. Da; Saha, A.K.; Cordido, Fernando; Diéguez, Carlos; López, Miguel (Wiley, 2010-03-08)
      [Abstract] Current evidence demonstrates that the stomach-derived hormone ghrelin, a potent growth hormone (GH) secretagogue, promotes feeding through a mechanism involving the short-term activation of hypothalamic ...
    • Influence of peritoneal residual volume on the results of the peritoneal equilibration test: prospective study 

      Falcao, Luis; García Gago, Leticia; Astudillo, Daniela; Rodríguez-Magariños, Catuxa; Blanco Pardo, Marta; Rodríguez-Carmona, Ana; Pérez-Fontán, Miguel (Sociedad Española de Nefrología, 2023-03)
      [Abstract] Background: Categorization of the capacity of ultrafiltration during a peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is a usual step during the monitoring of peritoneal transport characteristics of Peritoneal Dialysis ...