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dc.contributor.authorCosta Rico, Antón
dc.contributor.authorDe Gabriel Fernández, Narciso
dc.contributor.authorRivas Barrós, Sabela
dc.identifier.citationSarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 2001, 5: 147-202. ISSN: 1138-5863es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Resumo] Dende a súa fundación en Alemaña na transición do século XVIII ao XIX, a histo- riografía educativa atravesa por tres fases: tradicional, social e a que empeza a debuxarse nos últimos anos, caracterizada como cultural. En Galicia este campo de coñecemento em- peza a configurarse a principios da década de 1980. Neste artigo analízase a producción bibliográfica da historiogralía educativa sobre Galicia, rexístranse os principais arquivos e bi- bliotecas e ofrécese un repertorio de bibliografía específica, non específica e algunhas fontes impresas.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] From the time it was founded in Germany at the turn 01 the 18th to the 19th century, educational historiography has passed through three differentstages: a traditional stage, a social stage, and a stage that has started taking shape in recent years which may be characterised as cultural. In Galicia this lield 01 knowledge started to become structured in the early 1980's. This article analyses the bibliographic production of educational histo- riography in Galicia, recording the major archives and libraries and offering a repertoire 01 both specific and non-specific bibliography as well as some printed sources.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleHistoriografía educativa de Galicia (1750-2000)es_ES

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