Listar GI-BPRM - Artigos por data de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-13 de 13
Megabenthic decapod crustacean assemblages on the Galician continental shelf and upper slope (north-west Spain)
(Springer-Verlag, 1997)The structure of megabenthic decapod crustacean assemblages on the Galician (north-west Spain) continental shelf (100 to 200 depth) and upper slope (200 to 500 m) was analyzed based on surveys carried out in autumn and ... -
New approaches to the behavioural ecology of decapod crustaceans using telemetry and electronic tags
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998)Decapod crustaceans have complex life histories and behaviour in aspects such as foraging, mating and reproduction, moulting and growth, habitat selection and migration. New technologies have enabled us to use an ... -
Socioeconomic and biological causes of management failures in European artisanal fisheries: the case of Galicia (NW Spain)
(Elsevier, 2000)Coastal ecosystems and artisanal fisheries show a great complexity due to the high number of human factors that infuence their functioning and to the number of components involved in the fishing activity. Moreover, a great ... -
Feeding of the spider crab Maja squinado in rocky subtidal areas of the Ría de Arousa (Galicia, NW Spain)
(Cambridge University Press, 2000) -
Pesca y ecosistemas marinos
(Ecologistas en Acción, 2001) -
Population modelling of European shags ("Phalacrocorax aristotelis") at their southern limit: conservation implications
(Elsevier, 2002)The European shag ("Phalacrocorax aristotelis") population at Cíes Islands (the most important breeding area in its southern limit) increased rapidly from 1986 to 1992, and afterwards the population suffered a slight ... -
Management strategies for sustainable invertebrate fisheries in coastal ecosystems of Galicia (NW Spain)
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002)Artisanal coastal invertebrate fisheries in Galicia are socio-economically important and ecologically relevant. Their management, however, has been based on models of fish population dynamics appropriate for highly mobile ... -
Crustacean fisheries
(Elsevier, 2003) -
Information-theoretic approach for selection of spatial and temporal models of community organization
(Inter-Research, 2003)The literature on the ecology of marine assemblages includes frequent examples of data analysis with no well-defined alternative hypotheses for the definition of environmental variables (independent matrix for multivariate ... -
La pesca artesanal gallega y el problema de la comercialización : ¿"" como una alternativa?
(Eusko Ikanskuntza, 2003)La pesca artesanal en Galicia tiene una enorme importancia social, económica y cultural. No obstante, en ella se dan una serie de problemáticas de carácter estructural que la hacen vulnerable. La situación de la comercialización ... -
Development and Perspectives for Community-Based Management of the Goose Barnacle (Pollicipes Pollicipes) Fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain)
(Elsevier, 2003)[Abstract] The goose barnacle, "Pollicipes pollicipes", is an intertidal cirripede that lives attached to rocks on very exposed shores, forming dense aggregations. It occurs in the northeast Atlantic (from 48 to 14◦N). ... -
Plankton biomass and larval fish abundance prior to and during the El Niño period of 1997–1998 along the central Pacific coast of México
(Elsevier, 2004)The temporal and spatial distributions of zooplankton biomass and larval fish recorded during 27 months (December 1995–December 1998) off the Pacific coast of central México are analyzed. A total of 316 samples were ... -
Role of the Spanish scientific community in the initial assessment and management of the environmental damages caused by the "Prestige" oil spill
(Elsevier, 2005)The role of the Spanish scientific community in the initial assessment of the environmental and socioeconomic damages caused by the Prestige oil spill is analysed. A discussion of the reasons for the failures in the response ...