Mostrando ítems 26-30 de 68

    • La orientación de las iglesias románicas en la Península Ibérica 

      Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Pérez-Palmero, Victoria (CSIC, 2019)
      [Resumen] Las iglesias prerrománicas en Hispania (España y Portugal) están orientadas hacia el este, pero se observa un cierto número de desviaciones importantes. Por el contrario, la casi totalidad de las iglesias románicas ...
    • A new system of deployable structures with reciprocal linkages for emergency buildings 

      Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Suárez-Riestra, Félix; López-César, Isaac; Freire-Tellado, Manuel J. (Elsevier, 2021)
      Deployable structures are a good solution for emergency buildings, due to their lightness and compact nature which means they can be transported to where they are needed. Nevertheless, the deployable structures studied to ...
    • Scissor-Hinged Deployable Structures Supported Perimetrally on Rectangular Bases 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (IASS, 2020)
      [Abstract] Deployable bar structures on a rectangular base present the problems of closing the ends and longitudinal stabilization. Some proposals have been made to resolve them, mainly by creating mouths, but their ...
    • A New Approach To Expandable Structures: Crossed Expandable Frames (X-Frames) 

      Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Suárez-Riestra, Félix (IASS, 2019)
      The use of expandable structures in the field of building began in the 1960s, based on the pioneering work of Emilio Pérez Piñero. They underwent significant developments at the end of the 20th century, with typologies ...
    • Estructuras desplegables de aspas para cubiertas inclinadas 

      Freire-Tellado, Manuel J.; Muñoz-Vidal, Manuel; López-César, Isaac; Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan (2019)
      [Resumen] La atención a la evacuación del agua de lluvia y a la protección de la estructura ante los agentes meteorológicos ha dado lugar a un conjunto de propuestas de estructuras desplegables de aspas sobre planta ...