• Multi-Isotopic Study of the Earliest Mediaeval Inhabitants of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain) 

      Pérez-Ramallo, Patxi; Grandal-d'Anglade, Aurora; Organista, Elia; Santos, Elena; Chivall, David; Rodríguez-Varela, Ricardo; Götherström, Anders; Etxeberría Gabilondo, Francisco; Ilgner, Jana; Fernandes, Ricardo; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Le Roux, Petrus; Higham, Tom; Beaumont, Julia; Koon, Hannah; Roberts, Patrick (Springer Link, 2022-10-12)
      [Abstract] Santiago de Compostela is, together with Rome and Jerusalem, one of the three main pilgrimage and religious centres for Catholicism. The belief that the remains of St James the Great, one of the twelve apostles ...
    • Social elite from the power centre of Late Antique Gallaecia? Revisiting San Bartolomé de Rebordáns (Tui, Spain) 

      Pérez-Ramallo, Patxi; Grandal-d'Anglade, Aurora; Veiga López, Nieves; Sánchez-Pardo, José Carlos (Taylor & Francis Online, 2023)
      [Abstract] In this paper, we discuss novel and existing archaeological data from the San Bartolomé de Rebordáns site (Tui, Spain) that suggest the importance of Tude as a place of power in the Late Antique Sueve Gallaecia ...
    • To the Field of Stars: Stable Isotope Analysis of Medieval Pilgrims and Populations Along the Camino de Santiago in Navarre and Aragon, Spain 

      Pérez-Ramallo, Patxi; Lorenzo Lizalde, José Ignacio; Staniewska, Alexandra; Aiestaran, Mattin; Aguirre, Juantxo; Sesma Sesma, Jesús; Marzo, Sara; Lucas, Mary; Ilgner, Jana; Chivall, David; Higham, Tom; Rodríguez-Varela, Ricardo; Götherström, Anders; Etxeberría Gabilondo, Francisco; Grandal-d'Anglade, Aurora; Alexander, Michelle; Roberts, Patrick (Elsevier, 2023-02-01)
      [Abstract] The Camino de Santiago emerged in the first half of the 9th century CE following the reported discovery of the remains of the Apostle St James by the bishop of Iria-Flavia, Teodomiro. Since then, hundreds of ...