• Acute Effects of a Single Football Training or Match on Passive Hip Rotation Range of Motion in Semi-Professional Football Players: A Pilot Study 

      Cruz Torres, Blanca de la; Abuín-Porras, Vanesa; Blanco-Morales, María; Cueva Reguera, Mónica de la; Calvo-Lobo, César; López-López, Daniel; Romero Morales, Carlos (MDPI AG, 2020-05)
      [Abstract] Background and Objectives: The repetitive loading forces generated during football activities may induce alterations in the hip rotation range of motion (ROM) in players. The objective of this study was to ...
    • Evaluation of humoral immunity profiles to identify heart recipients at risk for development of severe infections: a multicenter prospective study 

      Sarmiento, Elizabeth; Jaramillo, María; Calahorra, Leticia; Fernández-Yáñez, Juan; Gómez-Sánchez, Miguel; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Almenar-Bonet, Luis; Cebrián, Mónica; Rábago, Gregorio; Levy, Beltrán; Segovia-Cubero, Javier; Gómez-Bueno, Manuel; López, Javier; Mirabet, Sonia; Navarro, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Molina, Juan José; Fernández-Cruz, Eduardo; Carbone, Javier (Elsevier, 2017)
      [Abstract] BACKGROUND: New biomarkers are necessary to improve detection of the risk of infection in heart transplantation. We performed a multicenter study to evaluate humoral immunity profiles that could better enable ...
    • Obesity and asthma: an association modified by age 

      González-Barcala, Javier; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia; Pérez-Castro, Teresa-Rosalía; Sampedro-Campos, Manuel; Sánchez-Lastres, Juan Manuel; Sanjosé-González, M.A.; Bamonde-Rodríguez, Luis; Garnelo-Suárez, Luciano; Valdés Cuadrado, L.; Moure, J.D.; Carreira, J.M.; López-Silvarrey-Varela, Ángel (Elsevier, 2013)
      [Abstract] Background. Some studies indicate some causal relationship between obesity and asthma, while others show inconsistent results. Our objective was to evaluate the prevalence of asthma according to obesity in ...