• Circulating miR-200c and miR-141 and outcomes in patients with breast cancer 

      Antolín, Silvia; Calvo, Lourdes; Blanco, Moisés; Paz Santiago, María; Lorenzo-Patiño, María J.; Haz, Mar; Santamarina, Isabel; Figueroa, Angélica; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Valladares-Ayerbes, Manuel (BioMed Central, 2015)
      [Abstract] Background. The deregulation of microRNAs in both tumours and blood has led to the search for microRNAs to indicate the presence of cancer and predict prognosis. We hypothesize the deregulation of miR-200c/miR-141 ...
    • MicroARN circulantes en sangre de pacientes con cáncer de próstata 

      Medina Villaamil, Vanessa; Martínez-Breijo, S.; Portela-Pereira, P.; Quindós-Varela, María; Santamarina, Isabel; Antón-Aparicio, Luis M.; Gómez Veiga, Francisco (Elsevier, 2014)
      [Resumen] Introducción. Los microARN (miARN) son ARN reguladores de pequeño tamaño que no codifican para proteínas. La detección de células tumorales circulantes (CTC) proporcionaría información diagnóstica y pronóstica ...
    • Myocardial transcription factors in diastolic dysfunction: clues for model systems and disease 

      Mikhailov, Alexander T.; Torrado, Mario (Springer, 2016)
      [Abstract] There are multiple intrinsic mechanisms for diastolic dysfunction ranging from molecular to structural derangements in ventricular myocardium. The molecular mechanisms regulating the progression from normal ...
    • The Lin28/Let-7 system in early human embryonic tissue and ectopic pregnancy 

      Lozoya, Teresa; Domínguez, Francisco; Romero-Ruiz, Antonio; Steffani, Liliana; Martínez, Sebastián; Monterde, Mercedes; Ferri, Blanca; Núñez, María José; Romero-Espinós, Ainhoa; Zamora, Omar; Guerra, Marta; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Vega, Olivia; Simón, Carlos; Pellicer, Antonio; Tena-Sempere, Manuel (PLoS One, 2014-01-31)
      [Abstract] Our objective was to determine the expression of the elements of the Lin28/Let-7 system, and related microRNAs (miRNAs), in early stages of human placentation and ectopic pregnancy, as a means to assess the ...