• A complement to autotuning methods on PID controllers 

      Ferreiro García, Ramón; Pérez Castelo, Francisco Javier (International Federation of Automatic Control, 2000)
      [Abstract] This paper describes a complement to the autotuning ATV method. The proposed strategy is based in a frequency response design technique to get a three-term controller as a special case of a lead-lag design. The ...
    • A short note on a 3D spectral analysis for turbulent flows on unstructured meshes 

      Tsoutsanis, Panagiotis; Nogueira, Xesús; Fu, Lin (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract:] We propose two techniques for computing the energy spectra for 3D unstructured meshes that are consistent across different element types. These techniques can be particularly useful when assessing the dissipation ...
    • Efficient high-precision integer multiplication on the GPU 

      Pérez Diéguez, Adrián; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón; Nukada, Akira; Matsuoka, Satoshi (SAGE Journals, 2022-03)
      [Abstract]: The multiplication of large integers, which has many applications in computer science, is an operation that can be expressed as a polynomial multiplication followed by a carry normalization. This work develops ...
    • Evaluation and control of marine vessels stability in waves 

      Ferreiro García, Ramón; Fernández Ameal, Cándido Antonio (International Federation of Automatic Control, 2000)
      [Abstract] This paper presents the research results achieved by means of the preliminary design study and implementation of a Pc-based Expert System for Safely Navigation. PESSN. It consists in an advisory system related ...