• The Critical Turning Points Database; Concept, Methodology and Dataset of an International Transformative Social Innovation Comparison 

      Bonno, Pel; Bauler, Tom; Avelino, Flor; Backhaus, Julia; Ruijsink, Saskia; Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard; Kunze, Iris; Voss, G.; Dumitru, Adina; Lema-Blanco, Isabel; Afonso, Rita; Cipolla, Carla; Longhurst, Noel; Dorland, Jens; Elle, Morten; Balázs, Bálint; Horváth, J.; Matolay, Reka; Wittmayer, Julia; Valderrama Pineda, A.; Serpa, Bibiana; Rösing Agostini, M.; Lajarthe, F.; Garrido, S.; Picabea, Facundo; Moreira, J.; Trentini, Florencia; Bidinost, Augistín; Weaver, Paul; Heimann, R.; Skropke, C.; Hoffmeister, K. L.; Tawakol, Donia; Olivotto, Veronica; Tsatsou, A.; Zahed, Y.; Moet, R.; Zuijderwijk, Linda; Renema, Jesse; Kemp, René (TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1, 2017-07-12)
      [Abstract] This working paper presents the TRANSIT open-access online database on Critical Turning Points (CTP) in Transformative Social Innovation. It specifies the contents of the database, comprising qualitative accounts ...
    • Use of granular coal combustion products as aggregates in structural concrete: Effects on properties and recommendations regarding mix design 

      Rodríguez-Álvaro, Roberto; Seara Paz, Sindy; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Martínez-Abella, Fernando (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract:] This review collates the results obtained in more than 100 scientific publications regarding the performance of concrete with granular coal combustion products (GCCP, commonly referred to as coal bottom ash in ...