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dc.contributor.authorSagazan, Noémie de
dc.contributor.authorKürthy, Heidi von
dc.contributor.authorRivas-Quarneti, Natalia
dc.identifier.citationde Sagazan, N., von Kürthy, H., & Rivas Quarneti, N. (2024). “It’s a bit of a paradox, as she considers herself a feminist”: Tensions of doing household-related occupations as a young cis-heterosexual couple in France. Journal of Occupational Science, 1–15.
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] Despite a rise of feminist values, the organisation of household-related occupations remains unequal. This research aimed to problematise the tensions existing in the organisation of household-related occupations of cis-heterosexual couples who self-identify as feminist. Narrative data were collected through individual and joint interviews with two couples. Individuals’ and couples’ storylines were studied through a narrative analysis. Subtle reproductions of traditional gendered roles were revealed, despite each couple’s strategies to reach equality. Their organisation was not explicitly negotiated as a couple but embedded in daily life. Couples’ task allocation rationales were related to the context within which they live and work, and occupational preferences rooted in unconscious gender stereotypes. Feminist values were paradoxically acting as a constraint for the women interviewed, adding perceived norms to conform to. The study responds to calls for occupational science to move beyond individualistic approaches to occupation and embraces a critical stance towards the complexity of ‘doing feminism’ in everyday life, thus revealing many layers of intersecting tensions.es_ES
dc.publisherTaylor & Francises_ES
dc.rightsThis is an Accepted Manuscript version of the following article, accepted for publication in Journal of Occupational Science. It is deposited under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.es_ES
dc.subjectOccupational sciencees_ES
dc.subjectHousehold-related occupationses_ES
dc.subjectCis-heterosexual coupleses_ES
dc.subjectOccupational justicees_ES
dc.subjectNarrative methodologyes_ES
dc.title“It’s a bit of a paradox, as she considers herself a feminist”: tensions of doing household-related occupations as a young cis-heterosexual couple in Francees_ES
UDC.journalTitleJournal of Occupational Sciencees_ES

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