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dc.contributor.authorSaavedra-García, Miguel A.
dc.contributor.authorAndreo-García, María Victoria
dc.contributor.authorNavarro Flores, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorLosa Iglesias, Marta Elena
dc.contributor.authorLópez-López, Luis
dc.contributor.authorBecerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorLópez-López, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorGómez Salgado, Juan
dc.identifier.citationAndreo-García, MV.,Navarro-Flores E., Losa-Iglesias M.E., Becerro-de Bengoa-Vallejo, R., López-López, L., Saavedra-García, M.A., López-López, D., Gómez-Salgado, J. (2024).Influence of quality of life related to perceived foot health between in a rural an urban population: a case–control research. International Wound Journal,21(2):e14713. doi:10.1111/iwj.14713es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract]: Foot problems are very common in the community. Studies indicate that between 18% and 63% of people have foot pain or stiffness and that foot problems have a large impact on people's functional decline and a significant detrimental impact on measures of quality of life related to health. The general objective of this research was to compare foot health in people from the rural population compared to people from the urban population and its relationship with quality of life. A case–control descriptive study was developed with a sample of 304 patients, 152 patients from the rural population and 152 patients from the urban population. Quality of life was measured through the SF-36 Health Questionnaire in its Spanish version. The rural population group had a mean age of 46.67 ± 13.69 and the urban population group 49.02 ± 18.29. Regarding the score of the lowest levels of quality of life related to foot problems, the rural population group compared to the urban population group showed: for body pain (52.21 ± 30.71 vs. 67.80 ± 25.28, p < 0.001); and for mental health (69.58 ± 18.98 vs. 64.60 ± 14.88, p < 0.006). Differences between groups were analysed using Student's t-test for independent samples, which showed statistical significance (p < 0.05). This research offers evidence that the rural population presents better levels of mental health and lower levels of bodily pain in the domains of the SF-36 Health Questionnaire comparing with the urban population.es_ES
dc.rightsThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposeses_ES
dc.subjectCalidad de vidaes_ES
dc.subjectPoblación rurales_ES
dc.subjectPoblación urbanaes_ES
dc.subjectSalud de los pieses_ES
dc.subjectQuality of lifees_ES
dc.subjectRural populationes_ES
dc.subjectUrban populationes_ES
dc.subjectFoot healthes_ES
dc.titleInfluence of quality of life related to perceived foot health between in a rural an urban population: A case–control researches_ES
UDC.journalTitleInternational Wound Journales_ES
UDC.departamentoCiencias da Saúdees_ES
UDC.grupoInvGrupo de Investigación Saúde e Podoloxía (GISAP)es_ES

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