Numerical approximations of McKean anticipative backward stochastic differential equations arising in initial margin requirements
Numerical approximations of McKean anticipative backward stochastic differential equations arising in initial margin requirementsDate
A. Agarwal, S. De Marco, E. Gobet, J. G. López-Salas, F. Noubiagain, y A. Zhou, «Numerical approximations of McKean anticipative backward stochastic differential equations arising in initial margin requirements», ESAIM: ProcS, vol. 65, pp. 1-26, 2019, doi: 10.1051/proc/201965001.
[Abstract]: We introduce a new class of anticipative backward stochastic differential equations with a dependence of McKean type on the law of the solution, that we name MKABSDE. We provide existence and uniqueness results in a general framework with relatively general regularity assumptions on the coefficients. We show how such stochastic equations arise within the modern paradigm of derivative pricing where a central counterparty (CCP) requires the members to deposit variation and initial margins to cover their exposure. In the case when the initial margin is proportional to the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) of the contract price, we apply our general result to define the price as a solution of a MKABSDE. We provide several linear and non-linear simpler approximations, which we solve using different numerical (deterministic and Monte-Carlo) methods.
Non-linear pricing
CVaR initial margins
Anticipative BSDE
Weak non-linearity
CVaR initial margins
Anticipative BSDE
Weak non-linearity
The conference: July 17 - August 25, CIRM, Marseille
Editor version
Atribución 3.0 España