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dc.contributor.authorCastellanos-García, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorLera-Lopez, Fernando
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Santos, José Manuel
dc.identifier.citationCastellanos-García, P., Lera-López, F., & Sánchez-Santos, J. M. (2023). Light, moderate and vigorous physical activities: New insights into a virtuous circle with happiness. European Journal of Sport Science, 23(7), 1345–1355.
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] The study of the physical activity engagement (PA) has given rise to a relevant research agenda in a wide range of fields, such as its close relationship with subjective well-being, self-perceived health and social capital. Previous evidence has identified interrelationships among these variables, but without considering different levels of physical activity. We have thus considered three levels of activity: light (walking), moderate and vigorous. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is undertaken on data from Spain’s National Health Survey in 2011–2012 to analyse these interrelationships. The SEM shows a simultaneous and bidirectional relationship between different levels of PA (moderate and vigorous activities) and happiness, with a more robust association stemming from happiness to PA than vice versa. This relationship is mediated through health. From a policy perspective, this implies a virtuous circle: involvement in different levels of PA increases happiness and self-perceived health, while happiness involves higher PA and subsequent positive increases in health and happiness. Nevertheless, this virtuous circle does not always run successfully when social capital is considered to mediate the relationship between PA and happiness, which might explain why it has proven to be very difficult for health policymakers to fight against inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle within a great part of the population. Highlights: We investigate bidirectional interrelationships between different levels of physical activity (PA) and happiness. We consider the mediation role played by self-perceived health (SPH) and social capital. Our results highlight a network of association between different levels of PA, SPH, social capital and happiness. SPH positively mediates this relationship for any type of PA level, whereas social capital only mediates positively when vigorous PA is developed. From a health policy perspective, the simultaneity between PA levels and happiness implies a virtuous circle.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant number: Project CSO2017-86178-R]; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number: Project PID2020-115018RB-C32 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50)] Open access funding provided by Universidad Pública de Navarraes_ES
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/AEI/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016/CSO2017-86178-R/ES/CAPITAL SOCIAL INDIVIDUAL: EL PAPEL DE LAS RELACIONES SOCIALES EN EL MERCADO LABORAL, EL FUNCIONAMIENTO INSTITUCIONAL Y EL BIENESTAR SUBJETIVOes_ES
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/AEI/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020/PID2020-115018RB-C32/ES/BIENESTAR SOCIAL Y GESTION DE LOS NEGOCIOSes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacionales_ES
dc.subjectPhysical activityes_ES
dc.subjectSelf-perceived healthes_ES
dc.subjectSocial capitales_ES
dc.subjectStructural equation modellinges_ES
dc.titleLight, Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activities: New Insights Into a Virtuous Circle With Happinesses_ES
UDC.journalTitleEuropean Journal of Sport Sciencees_ES

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