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dc.contributor.authorLosada Maseda, Jesús Javier
dc.contributor.authorFilgueira-Vizoso, Almudena
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz Camacho, Eugenio
dc.contributor.authorCastro-Santos, Laura
dc.contributor.authorLópez Montero, Francisco Javier
dc.identifier.citationJ. L. Maseda, A. F. Vizoso, E. M. Camacho, L. C. Santos, y F. J. L. Montero, «Integration of maintainability and operativity criteria in the contracts to build under EPC model in energy infrastructures to optimize the OPEX. Example of the methodology to analyse the preferences in the owner and contractor point of view.», RE&PQJ, vol. 16, n.o 6, pp. 735-740, 2018, doi: 10.24084/repqj16.450es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract]: The buyer of Project or equipment wants to obtain the maximum profit for the money that is invested in the operation and the seller shall try to give the less for that money to obtain also the maximum benefit. The way both parties regulate their relation is based in the agreement under a contract base, that in the energy infrastructure sector is mostly based in the EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) model. The present paper uses the information and data obtained through the development of the PhD thesis of one of the authors, that collected valuable information and assessment about the integration of operability and maintainability criteria in the contracts of a total of 158 projects and megaprojects, with a total contract value close to 40.000 M€. Several of those projects correspond to windmill , solar and hydraulic power plants. The survey done collected information about the perception and point of view of the promoter or owner, the contractor or the supplier, the engineering companies (Project Management Team (PMT)) and several advisors (legal, commercial,..), about the preference of integration of those criteria in the projects that they were involved in, and the phase and the procedure to make the integration, as well as the role of experienced personnel in Operation and Maintenance areas in the whole life time of the projects. The conclusion of the study confirmed that the perception of what the owner and the contractor understand about the integration of operation and maintenance criteria in the projects is really different, but if contractors and/or suppliers would try to understand and deliver at a reasonable price what the owner is expecting from them, their chance to become the preferred contractor in the tenders associated to the projects would be increased.es_ES
dc.publisherUK Zhende Publishing Limited ; European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ)es_ES
dc.titleIntegration of maintainability and operativity criteria in the contracts to build under EPC model in energy infrastructures to optimize the OPEX. Example of the methodology to analyse the preferences in the owner and contractor point of viewes_ES
UDC.journalTitleRenewable Energy and Power Quality Journales_ES

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