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dc.contributor.authorArdá Suárez, Antonio
dc.contributor.authorManeiro, Rubén
dc.contributor.authorIván-Baragaño, Iyán
dc.contributor.authorLosada, J.L.
dc.identifier.citationManeiro R, Iván-Baragaño I, Losada JL, Ardá A. Deciphering the offensive process in women's elite football: A multivariate study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2022;00:1-10. doi: 10.1111/sms.14206es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract]: Over the last few years, there has been considerable increase in scientific knowl-edge about women's football. However, the tactical and tactical- strategic aspects have not yet been sufficiently covered in scientific literature. Therefore, this work proposed the following aims: To describe how the offensive phase is produced in women's football, to identify the significant statistical criteria that may be modu-lating success in attack, and finally to propose different predictive success mod-els, with the ultimate aim of passing this knowledge on to the applied field. The observational methodology was used, one of the most appropriate methodologies for the analysis of motor behaviors in sport. The units of analysis collected and analyzed were 6063 attacks carried out during the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 and France 2019. The available results demonstrate that, on the one hand, offensive team actions are ineffective (almost 70% finish unsuccess-fully), but criteria such as the start form of the attack, zone of ball possession, partial match result, or ball possession time are statistically significant criteria that modulate attack success (goal, shot or pass into the area). Lastly, the multi-variate results allow us to propose a theoretical model, passing the probability of success from 31% in the absence of a model, to a theoretical auction probability of 52.6%, based on fast attacks with the intervention of few players, and with posses-sion zone in the opposite field. These results could be directly transferred to the practical field where trainers and technical bodies can put this information into practice in training sessions or matches.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support of a Spanish government subprojects Mixed method approach on performance analysis (in training and competition) in elite and academy sport [PGC2018-098742-B-C33] and Integration ways between qualitative and quantitative data, multiple case development, and synthesis review as main axis for an innovative future in physical activity and sports research [PGC2018-098742-B-C31] (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema I+D+i), that is part of the coordinated project New approach of research in physical activity and sport from mixed methods perspective (NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0].es_ES
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ MICINN/ Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema I+D+i /(NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0]. /ES/ Mixed method approach on performance analysis (in training and competition) in elite and academy sport [PGC2018-098742-B-C33]es_ES
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/ MICINN/ Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema I+D+i /(NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0]. /ES/ Integration ways between qualitative and quantitative data, multiple case development, and synthesis review as main axis for an innovative future in physical activity and sports research [PGC2018-098742-B-C31]es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internationales_ES
dc.subjectDecision treeses_ES
dc.subjectOffensive phasees_ES
dc.subjectPerformance analysises_ES
dc.subjectPossession outcomees_ES
dc.subjectWomen's footballes_ES
dc.titleDeciphering the offensive process in women's elite football: A multivariate study.es_ES
UDC.journalTitleScandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sportses_ES

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