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dc.contributor.authorCosta Perinotto, André Riani
dc.contributor.authorMachado de Araújo, Sávio
dc.contributor.authorCensi Borges, Vicente de Paula
dc.contributor.authorRodrigues Soares, Jakson Renner
dc.contributor.authorCardoso, Lucília
dc.contributor.authorLima Santos, Luís
dc.identifier.citationPerinotto, A.R.C.; Araújo, S.M.; Borges, V.d.P.C.; Soares, J.R.R.; Cardoso, L.; Lima Santos, L. The Development of the Hospitality Sector Facing the Digital Challenge. Behav. Sci. 2022, 12, 192.
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] The widespread use of the Internet has changed consumer buying behavior, especially among tourists, considering the intangibility of the tourist product. Although globally the modern tourist is a consumer of the new online market, there is a lack of studies addressing the level of development of the hotel business in relation to online bookings by residents of tourist destinations. Furthermore, this article analyzes the factors that impact the use of e-commerce by these residents in the acquisition of tourist accommodation services. A conceptual model was adopted, using the constructs “social influence” and “price” of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2), also including “trust” and “perceived risk”. An electronic questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 195 residents of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, Fisher’s exact test, and multiple linear regression. The results show that price and social influence are the most significant constructs associated with booking a hotel online, while trust does not influence the use of the Internet. As practical implications, the findings of this study provide important information for hotel managers, as they allow a better understanding of the profile of respondents who book online, as well as which factors influence online behaviors, contributing to increasing the knowledge of digital platforms in the consumer market and, consequently, the development of the hospitality sector.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacionales_ES
dc.subjectDeveloping hospitalityes_ES
dc.subjectDigital challengees_ES
dc.subjectConsumer buying behaviores_ES
dc.subjectElectronic commercees_ES
dc.subjectConceptual model of acceptance and use of technologyes_ES
dc.titleThe Development of the Hospitality Sector Facing the Digital Challengees_ES
UDC.journalTitleBehavioral Scienceses_ES

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