Mostrando ítems 26-30 de 55

    • Krein’s theorem in the context of topological abelian groups 

      Borsich, Tayomara; Domínguez, Xabier; Martín Peinador, Elena (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract:] A topological abelian group G is said to have the quasi-convex compactness property (briefly, qcp) if the quasi-convex hull of every compact subset of G is again compact. In this paper we prove that there exist ...
    • Topological Groups of Lipschitz Functions and Graev Metrics 

      Chasco, MJ; Domínguez, Xabier; Tkachenko, Mikhail (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] We study the properties of the free abelian topological group Ad(X) on a metric space (X,d) endowed with the topology generated by the Graev extension dˆ of a given metric d on X. We find that the group of ...
    • On Local Quasi-Convexity as a Three-Space Property in Topological Abelian Groups 

      Domínguez, Xabier; Tarieladze, Vaja (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] Let X be a topological abelian group and H a subgroup of X. We find conditions under which local quasi-convexity of both H and results in the same property for X. This is true for instance if H is precompact, ...
    • Numerical Analysis and Safety Design of Grounding Systems in Underground Compact Substations 

      Guizán Roca, Raquel; Colominas, Ignasi; París, José; Couceiro, Iván; Navarrina, Fermín (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] This paper presents a mathematical and numerical formulation to design and analyze grounding systems in underground electrical substations. The developed approach is based on the well known Maxwell’s Equations. ...
    • A Well-Balanced SPH-ALE Scheme for Shallow Water Applications 

      Prieto Arranz, Alberto; Ramírez, Luis; Couceiro, Iván; Colominas, Ignasi; Nogueira, Xesús (Springer, 2021)
      [Abstract] In this work, a new discretization of the source term of the shallow water equations with non-flat bottom geometry is proposed to obtain a well-balanced scheme. A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Arbitrary ...