• Exon-skipping brain natriuretic peptide variant is overexpressed in failing myocardium and attenuates brain natriuretic peptide production in vitro 

      Torrado, Mario; Iglesias Reinoso, Raquel; Centeno, Alberto; López, Eduardo; Mikhailov, Alexander T. (SAPE / Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2010)
      [Abstract] Brain natriuretic peptide/natriuretic peptide precursor B (NPPB) is one of the most studied genes in relation to heart failure (HF) conditions. However, it is still unclear as to whether alternative splicing ...
    • Identification of candidate genes potentially relevant to chamber-specific remodeling in postnatal ventricular myocardium 

      Torrado, Mario; Iglesias Reinoso, Raquel; Nespereira, Beatriz; Mikhailov, Alexander T. (Hindawi, 2010)
      [Abstract] Molecular predisposition of postnatal ventricular myocardium to chamber-dependent (concentric or eccentric) remodeling remains largely elusive. To this end, we compared gene expression in the left (LV) versus ...
    • Prevalence, etiology, and outcome of catheterization laboratory false alarms in patients with suspected ST-elevation myocardial infarction 

      Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Estévez-Loureiro, Rodrigo; Barge-Caballero, Gonzalo; Rodríguez-Vilela, Alejandro; Calviño-Santos, Ramón; Salgado-Fernández, Jorge; Aldama López, Guillermo; Piñón-Esteban, Pablo; Campo-Pérez, Rosa; Rodríguez-Fernández, José Ángel; Vázquez-González, Nicolás; Muñiz, Javier; Castro-Beiras, Alfonso (Elsevier, 2010)
      [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. To investigate the prevalence, causes and outcome of catheterization laboratory false alarms (CLFAs) in a regional primary angioplasty network. Methods. A prospective registry of ...
    • Prevalencia de síntomas de asma en los niños y adolescentes de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia (España) y sus variaciones geográficas 

      López-Silvarrey-Varela, Ángel; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia; Rueda-Esteban, Santiago; Sánchez-Lastres, Juan Manuel; San-José-González, Miguel-Ángel; Sampedro-Campos, Manuel; Pérez-Castro, Teresa-Rosalía; Garnelo-Suárez, Luciano; Bamonde-Rodríguez, Luis; López-Silvarrey-Varela, Javier; González-Barcala, Javier (Elsevier, 2010)
      [Resumen] Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia y variaciones geográficas de síntomas relacionados con asma en niños y adolescentes gallegos. Población y métodos. Estudio transversal según la metodología ISAAC (Internacional ...
    • Risk factors associated with moderate-to-severe renal dysfunction among heart transplant patients: results from the CAPRI study 

      Delgado-Jiménez, Juan F.; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Gómez-Sánchez, Miguel A.; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; González-Vílchez, Francisco; Vázquez de Prada, José A.; Fernández-Yáñez, Juan; Pascual, David; Almenar-Bonet, Luis; Martínez-Dolz, Luis; Díaz Molina, Beatriz; Roig, Eulàlia; Segovia Cubero, Javier; Arizón-del-Prado, José M.; Garrido, Iris P.; Blasco-Peiró, Teresa; López, Javier; Brossa-Loidi, Vicens; Manito-Lorite, Nicolás; Muñiz, Javier (Wiley, 2010-06-27)
      [Abstract] The longer survival of patients with heart transplantation (HT) favors calcineurin inhibitor–related chronic kidney disease (CKD). It behoves to identify risk factors. At 14 Spanish centers, data on 1062 adult ...
    • Incidence and risk factors for nonmelanoma skin cancer after heart transplantation 

      Díaz Molina, Beatriz; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Alonso-Pulpón, Luis; Mirabet, Sonia; Fernández-Yáñez, Juan; Almenar-Bonet, Luis; González-Vílchez, Francisco; Delgado-Jiménez, Juan F.; Manito-Lorite, Nicolás; Rábago, Gregorio; Arizón-del-Prado, José M.; Romero-Rodríguez, N.; Roig, Eulàlia; Blasco-Peiró, Teresa; Pascual Figal, Domingo A.; De la Fuente-Galán, Luis; Muñiz, Javier (Elsevier, 2010-08-03)
      [Abstract] Introduction. The incidence of skin cancer in heart transplant (HT) patients is higher than in the general population, reversing the proportion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma ...
    • The prognosis of noncutaneous, nonlymphomatous malignancy after heart transplantation: data from the spanish post-heart transplant tumour registry 

      Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Alonso-Pulpón, Luis; Villa-Arranz, Adolfo; Brossa-Loidi, Vicens; Almenar-Bonet, Luis; González-Vílchez, Francisco; Delgado-Jiménez, Juan F.; Manito-Lorite, Nicolás; Díaz Molina, Beatriz; Rábago, Gregorio; Arizón-del-Prado, José M.; Romero-Rodríguez, N.; Brossa, V.; Blasco-Peiró, Teresa; Pascual Figal, Domingo A.; De la Fuente-Galán, Luis; Muñiz, Javier (Elsevier, 2010-10-21)
      [Abstract] Introduction. Malignancy is a major complication in the management of solid organ transplant patients. Skin cancers show a better prognosis than other neoplasms, but not all others are equal: Ideally, patient ...
    • The effect of post-discharge educational intervention on patients in achieving objectives in modifiable risk factors six months after discharge following an episode of acute coronary syndrome, (CAM-2 Project): a randomized controlled trial 

      Muñiz, Javier; Gómez Doblas, Juan José; Santiago-Pérez, M.I.; Lekuona-Goya, Iñaki; Murga-Eizagaetxebarría, Nekane; Teresa Galván, Eduardo de; Cruz Fernández, José María; Castro-Beiras, Alfonso (BioMed Central, 2010-11-22)
      [Abstract] Objectives. We investigated whether an intervention mainly consisting of a signed agreement between patient and physician on the objectives to be reached, improves reaching these secondary prevention objectives ...
    • Targeted gene-silencing reveals the functional significance of myocardin signaling in the failing heart 

      Torrado, Mario; Iglesias Reinoso, Raquel; Centeno, Alberto; López, Eduardo; Mikhailov, Alexander T. (PLoS, 2011)
      [Abstract] Background. Myocardin (MYOCD), a potent transcriptional coactivator of smooth muscle (SM) and cardiac genes, is upregulated in failing myocardium in animal models and human end-stage heart failure (HF). However, ...
    • Usefulness of the INTERMACS scale for predicting outcomes after urgent heart transplantation 

      Barge-Caballero, Eduardo; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Marzoa Rivas, Raquel; Campo-Pérez, Rosa; Rodríguez-Fernández, José Ángel; Pérez-Pérez, Alberto; García-Bueno, Lourdes; Blanco-Canosa, Paula; Grille Cancela, Zulaika; Solla-Buceta, Miguel; Juffé-Stein, Alberto; Herrera-Noreña, José M.; Cuenca, José J.; Muñiz, Javier; Castro-Beiras, Alfonso; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa (Elsevier, 2011)
      [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Our aim was to assess the prognostic value of the INTERMACS (Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support) scale in patients undergoing urgent heart transplantation ...
    • Aortic injuries in crush trauma patients: different mechanism, different management 

      Mosquera, Victor X.; Marini Díaz, Milagros; Muñiz, Javier; López-Pérez, José Manuel; Gulías, Daniel; Cuenca, José J. (Elsevier, 2011)
      [Abstract] Background. The objective of this study is to report the clinical and radiological characteristics and early and long-term survival of a series of acute traumatic aortic injuries (ATAI) in crush trauma patients, ...
    • Role of conservative management in traumatic aortic injury: comparison of long-term results of conservative, surgical, and endovascular treatment 

      Mosquera Rodríguez, Víctor Xesús; Marini Díaz, Milagros; López-Pérez, José Manuel; Muñiz, Javier; Herrera, José M.; Cao, Ignacio; Cuenca, José J. (Elsevier, 2011-01-26)
      [Abstract] Objective. The purpose of this study is to compare early and long-term results in terms of survival and cardiovascular complications of patients with acute traumatic aortic injury who were conservatively managed ...
    • Lung cancer after heart transplantation: results from a large multicenter registry 

      Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Villa-Arranz, Adolfo; Manito-Lorite, Nicolás; Paniagua-Martín, María J.; Rábago, Gregorio; Almenar-Bonet, Luis; Alonso-Pulpón, Luis; Mirabet, Sonia; Díaz Molina, Beatriz; González-Vílchez, Francisco; Arizón-del-Prado, José M.; Romero-Rodríguez, N.; Delgado-Jiménez, Juan F.; Roig, Eulàlia; Blasco-Peiró, Teresa; Pascual Figal, Domingo A.; De la Fuente-Galán, Luis; Muñiz, Javier (Wiley, 2011-04-26)
      [Abstract] In this study we analyzed Spanish Post-Heart-Transplant Tumour Registry data for adult heart transplantation (HT) patients since 1984. Median post-HT follow-up of 4357 patients was 6.7 years. Lung cancer (mainly ...
    • Quality of care of patients with type-2 diabetes in Galicia (NW Spain) [OBTEDIGA project] 

      Vidal-Pardo, J.I.; Pérez-Castro, Teresa-Rosalía; López Álvarez, X.L.; García-Soidán, J.L.; Santiago-Pérez, M.I.; Muñiz, Javier (Wiley, 2011-08-01)
      [Abstract] Aims:  The aim of this study was to describe the degree of compliance of agreed practices with reference to primary care patients with Type 2 diabetes of 40 years old and older in Galicia (NW Spain). Methods:  ...
    • Differences in outcome of heart failure with preserved or depressed systolic function in patients older than 70 years who receive beta blockers 

      Anguita, Manuel; Castillo, Juan C.; Ruiz, Martín; Castillo, Francisco; Jiménez-Navarro, Manuel; Crespo-Leiro, María Generosa; Alonso-Pulpón, Luis; Teresa Galván, Eduardo de; Castro-Beiras, Alfonso; Roig, Eulàlia; Artigas, Remei; Zapata, Antonio; López-de-Ullibarri, Ignacio; Muñiz, Javier (Elsevier, 2011-10-14)
      [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Most studies have shown that prognosis of heart failure with preserved systolic function is as poor as that of heart failure with depressed systolic function, although these results ...
    • Russian comparative embryology takes form: a conceptual metamorphosis toward “evo-devo” 

      Mikhailov, Alexander T. (Wiley, 2012)
      [Abstract] This essay recapitulates major paths followed by the Russian tradition of what we refer to today as evolutionary developmental biology (“evo-devo”). The article addresses several questions regarding the conceptual ...
    • Hanneke van Bruggen, medalla de oro de terapia ocupacional 2012: una mirada caleidoscópica 

      Bruggen, Johanna Elisabeth van; Viana-Moldes, Inés; Rivas-Quarneti, Natalia; Canosa, Nereida; Santos-del-Riego, Sergio; Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres, Marta; Luaces Gudín, David; Ávila Álvarez, Adriana I.; Groba, Betania; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Mansilla Barreiro, Bárbara; De-Rosende, Iván; Francisco de Miguel, Isabel; Antuña de la Paz, Gretel; Mosteiro Sigüenza, Sonsoles; Vila Paz, Alba; McGrath, Margaret; Fransen, Hetty Jaibi; Wessels, Saskia Hofstede; Sadlo, Gaynor; Todorova, Liliya; Kantartzis, Sarah; Pizkur, Barbara; Daniels, Ramon; Park, Melissa; Ramugondo, Elelwani; Kronenberg, Frank; Kapanadze, María; Simó Algado, Salvador; Sakellariou, Dikaios; Talavera Valverde, Miguel Ángel (Asociación Profesional Gallega de Terapia Ocupacional, 2012)
      [Resumen] El espíritu pionero, su energía contagiosa y el compromiso, son un ejemplo para todos los terapeutas ocupacionales del mundo y también una referencia para nuestra profesión. Por esta ...
    • In search of novel targets for heart disease: myocardin and myocardin-related transcriptional cofactors 

      Mikhailov, Alexander T.; Torrado, Mario (Hindawi, 2012)
      [Abstract] Growing evidence suggests that gene-regulatory networks, which are responsible for directing cardiovascular development, are altered under stress conditions in the adult heart. The cardiac gene regulatory network ...
    • Blunt traumatic aortic injuries of the ascending aorta and aortic arch: a clinical multicentre study 

      Mosquera Rodríguez, Víctor Xesús; Marini Díaz, Milagros; Muñiz, Javier; Gulias, Daniel; Asorey-Veiga, Vanesa; Adrio-Nazar, Belén; Herrera, José M.; Pradas-Montilla, Gonzalo; Cuenca, José J. (Elsevier, 2012)
      [Abstract] Objective. To report the clinical and radiological characteristics, management and outcomes of traumatic ascending aorta and aortic arch injuries. Methods. Historic cohort multicentre study including 17 major ...
    • Traumatic aortic injuries associated with major visceral vascular injuries in major blunt trauma patients 

      Mosquera Rodríguez, Víctor Xesús; Marini, Milagros; Cao, Ignacio; Gulías, Daniel; Muñiz, Javier; Herrera-Noreña, José M.; Cuenca, José J. (Springer, 2012-03-02)
      [Abstract] Background. The objectives of this study were to report the clinical and radiological characteristics and outcomes of a series of acute traumatic aortic injuries (ATAIs) with associated injury to major aortic ...