Mostrando ítems 46-50 de 99

    • Wellbeing and complementary therapies in breast cancer peripheral neuropathy care: a scoping review focused on foot health 

      Veiga-Seijo, Raquel; Pérez-López, María Eva; Fernández-López, Uxía; Mosquera-Fernández, Abián; Seijo Bestilleiro, Rocío; González-Martín, Cristina (MDPI, 2023-03-31)
      [Abstract] Background: Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a multidimensional health problem. Up to now, little evidence has been found concerning its impact on quality of life and foot health. Evaluation tools ...
    • Relevance of the extraction stage on the anti-inflammatory action of fucoidans 

      Flórez-Fernández, Noelia; Vaamonde-García, Carlos; Torres, María Dolores; Buján, Manuela; Muíños, Alexandra; Lamas-Vázquez, María J.; Meijide-Faílde, Rosa; Blanco García, Francisco J; Domínguez, Herminia (MDPI, 2023-03-01)
      [Abstract] The anti-inflammatory action of fucoidans is well known, based on both in vitro and some in vivo studies. The other biological properties of these compounds, their lack of toxicity, and the possibility of obtaining ...
    • Perceived barriers and benefits in the participation in faecal occult blood test colorectal cancer screening programme 

      Menéndez Rodríguez, Martín; García-Morales, Natalia; Seoane-Pillado, Teresa; Garau Ramírez, Jorge; Traver Salvador, Alba; Hervás Jiménez, Yésica; Pin Vieito, Noel; Menéndez Rodríguez, Luis; Cubiella, Joaquín (Elsevier, 2023-05-20)
      [Abstract] Background: Colorectal cancer is the second cancer-related cause of death in the world. Tumour stage at diagnosis is the principal prognosis factor of survival. However, the participation in the programme is ...
    • Temporal trends in respiratory care and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in very preterm infants over a 10-year period in Spain 

      Ávila-Álvarez, Alejandro; Zozaya, Carlos; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia; Sánchez-Luna, Manuel; Iriondo-Sanz, Martín; Elorza Fernández, Dolores; García-Muñoz Rodrigo, Fermín (BMJ, 2022-03)
      [Abstract] Objective: To evaluate trends in respiratory care practices and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) among very preterm infants born in Spain between 2010 and 2019. Study design: This was a retrospective cohort ...
    • Exploring high-throughput immunoassays for biomarker validation in rheumatic diseases in the context of the human proteome project 

      Fuentes, Manuel; Ruiz-Romero, Cristina; Misiego, Sara; Juanes-Velasco, Pablo; Landeira-Viñuela, Alicia; Torres-Roda, Adrián; Lorenzo-Gil, Héctor; González-González, María; Hernández, Ángela P.; Lourido, Lucía; Sjöberg, Ronald; Pin, Elisa; Las Rivas, Javier de; Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel; Nilsson, Peter; Blanco García, Francisco J (ACS Publications, 2022-12-07)
      [Abstract] Rheumatic diseases are high prevalence pathologies with different etiology and evolution and low sensitivity in clinical diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an early diagnosis method which allows ...