• Nenez e vellez na LIX galega 

      Ferreira, Carmen (Xerais, 2019-11-07)
      [Resumo] Breve panorámica, dividida en tres períodos históricos, na que se ofrece por orde cronolóxica de publicación en cada unha das catro xeracións literarias as obras narrativas máís representativas, ga­lardoadas e de ...
    • The Mark of Fairy Tales on Galician Literature for Children and Young Adults 

      Ferreira, Carmen (Brill, 2019-12-23)
      [Abstrac] This chapter conducts an historical overview of Galician literature for children and young adults, analysing the most representative works from each of the different established periods of Galician literature in ...
    • The Old Havana: Economic and Social Impact of Tourism Management on the Quality of Life of Residents 

      Pérez-Guilarte, Yamilé; Lois-González, Rubén Camilo (Springer Nature, 2018-07-31)
      [Abstrac] The Old Havana, a World Heritage Site since 1982, is one of the main tourist attractions in Cuba, but it is also a space with a marked residential nature. In recent years, the process of recovering this site and ...
    • Urban public space and culture : the case of Santiago de Compostela 

      Gusman, Inês; Pérez-Guilarte, Yamilé; López Rodríguez, Ramón (Peter Lang, 2018)
      [Abstract] The objective of this chapter is to understand the formal and informal cultural manifestations produced by public, private and collective institutions. The analysis hopes to contribute to the development of ...
    • El uso de la tecnología big data en turismo a través de experiencias prácticas 

      Pérez-Guilarte, Yamilé (Thompson Reuters Aranzadi, 2018)
      [Resumen] El capítulo pretende mostrar las oportunidades que ofrece el uso de la tecnología Big Data en el sector turístico, así como sus principales retos y limitaciones. Con este objetivo se abordan cuatro casos de estudio ...