A dynamic problem involving a coupled suspension bridge system : numerical analysis and computational experiments

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A dynamic problem involving a coupled suspension bridge system : numerical analysis and computational experimentsDate
Campo ,Marco, Fernández ,José R, Naso, Maria Grazia. A dynamic problem involving a coupled suspension bridge system: numerical analysis and computational experiments .En: Evolution equations and control theory.2019,v.8,nº3,p.489-502
[Abstract]: In this paper we study, from the numerical point of view, a dynamic problem which models a suspension bridge system. This problem is
written as a nonlinear system of hyperbolic partial differential equations in
terms of the displacements of the bridge and of the cable. By using the respective velocities, its variational formulation leads to a coupled system of parabolic
nonlinear variational equations. An existence and uniqueness result, and an
exponential energy decay property, are recalled. Then, fully discrete approximations are introduced by using the classical finite element method and the
implicit Euler scheme. A discrete stability property is shown and a priori error
estimates are proved, from which the linear convergence of the algorithm is deduced under suitable additional regularity conditions. Finally, some numerical
results are shown to demonstrate the accuracy of the approximation and the
behaviour of the solution.
Coupled bridge system
Finite elements
Numerical simulation
Finite elements
Numerical simulation
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