An Interdisciplinary Study of Early Mediaeval Churches in North-Western Spain (Galicia)
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An Interdisciplinary Study of Early Mediaeval Churches in North-Western Spain (Galicia)Data
2019-02-12Cita bibliográfica
Sanjurjo-Sánchez, J., Blanco-Rotea, R., & Sánchez-Pardo, J. C. (2019). An Interdisciplinary Study of Early Mediaeval Churches in North-Western Spain (Galicia). Heritage, 2(1), 599–610.
[Abstract:] Over the last five years, the EMCHAHE (Early Medieval Churches: History, Archaeology and Heritage) Project has analysed the architecture, archaeology and history of numerous rural churches of the High Middle Ages in Galicia (NW Spain), through its historical, stratigraphic and chronological study. As a result, the knowledge of this historical period has been broadened and even changed, as well as an interdisciplinary methodology on how to approach this type of study. According to the results obtained, the project has allowed us to reflect on two issues, the potential of a relatively low-cost type of study to understand, assess and disseminate this type of heritage and the special appreciation and ownership that local communities have towards these churches as an engine of sustainable social development.
Palabras chave
Rural heritage
Rural churches
Early mediaeval heritage
Middle Ages
Rural churches
Early mediaeval heritage
Middle Ages
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