Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Physiological response of freshwater microalga (Chlorella vulgaris) to triazine and phenylurea herbicides
[Abstract]The effects of two herbicides used wide-spread, isoproturon (phenylurea) and terbutryn (triazine), on growth, dry weight, elemental composition, photosynthetic pigments and protein content, and cell volume assayed ...
Atrazine-Induced Chlorosis in Synechococcus elongatus Cells
(Springer, 2004)
The effects of a widely used herbicide, atrazine, on the freshwater cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were studied. The cyanobacteria were exposed to varying concentrations of atrazine (0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, and ...
Cytotoxic effects of pesticides on microalgae determined by flow cytometry
(Nova Science Publishers, 2009)
As much as ca. 99.7% of the applied load of pesticides is dispersed in the environment, not reaching the target pests. In this way, pesticides enter into aquatic ecosystems from agricultural runoff or leaching and, as a ...
Use of the Comet Assay to Evaluate Pesticide Toxicity on Non-Target Microalgae
(Nova Science Publishers, 2009)
Aquatic environments are often contaminated with numerous organic and inorganic compounds. More than 90% of the applied load of pesticides is dispersed in the environment, reaching non-target species of these aquatic ...
A Comparison of the Relative Sensitivity of Structural and Functional Cellular Responses in the Alga Chlamydomonas eugametos Exposed to the Herbicide Paraquat
(Springer, 1999-04)
The effect of the herbicide paraquat on the freshwater microalga Chlamydomonas eugametos was studied in function of different parameters such as growth, elemental composition, total lipids, and photosynthetic pigments ...
Flow cytometric analysis to evaluate physiological alterations in herbicide-exposed Chlamydomonas moewusii cells
(Springer, 2012-03)
Investigation of herbicide toxicology in non-target aquatic primary producers such as microalgae is of great importance from an ecological point of view. In order to study the toxicity of the widely used herbicide paraquat ...
The herbicide paraquat induces alterations in the elemental and biochemical composition of non-target microalgal species
[Abstract]Huge quantities of pesticides are dispersed in the environment, affecting non-target organisms. Since paraquat affects the photosynthetic process, the biochemical composition of affected species should be altered. ...
Acute effects of a prooxidant herbicide on the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: Screening cytotoxicity and genotoxicity endpoints
(Elsevier, 2015-08)
Since recent evidence has demonstrated that many types of chemicals exhibit oxidative and/or genotoxic potential on living organisms, reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and DNA damage are currently the best accepted ...
Cell proliferation alterations in Chlorella cells under stress conditions
[Abstract]Very little is known about growth and proliferation in relation to the cell cycle regulation of algae. The lack of knowledge is even greater when referring to the potential toxic effects of pollutants on microalgal ...
Population growth study of the rotifer Brachionus sp. fed with triazine-exposed microalgae
[Abstract]Few data exist on potential toxic effects that pollutants may have on zooplankton fed microalgae exposed to pesticides. For that reason, microalgal cultures were exposed to different concentrations of the triazine ...