Mostrando ítems 41-45 de 175

    • Digital Teddy: a tool to assess children´s selective attention 

      González-Eiroa, Irene; Vázquez-Araújo, Francisco J.; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana; Arias, Pablo; Robles-García, Verónica (2023-09-09)
      [Abstract] Selective attention is essential in daily life and plays an important role in childhood as it facilitates the development of movement or cognition. However, there are not enough standardized tools that are ...
    • Daily upper limb use of children with hemiparesis; perspectives of families through a qualitative study 

      González-Eiroa, Irene; Lillo-Navarro, Carmen; Goldbart, Juliet; Palomo-Carrión, Rocío; Germán-Abad, Tatiana; Pousada, Thais; Robles-García, Verónica (2023-09-09)
      [Abstract] Performance of activities of daily living is fundamental in supporting participation across school, home and community environments and it is a high priority for parents because the lack of them is considered ...
    • Effects of walking-induced fatigue on postural balance and risk of falls in young and older people 

      Arias, Pablo; Naya-Fernández, Mariña; Vila-Villar, Aranza; Robles-García, Verónica; Madinabeitia-Mancebo, Elena; Madrid, Antonio; Chouza-Insua, Marcelo; Cudeiro, Javier (2023-09-09)
      [Abstract] Gait-induced fatigue increases the variability of gait rhythmicity, which increases the risk of falls,2. However, in addition to rhythmic components, gait also has postural components. Therefore, it is relevant ...
    • Depressive symptoms and their severity in a sample with lymphedema: a case-control investigation 

      Monteiro, Ana Júlia; Labra, Carmen de; Losa-Iglesias, Marta Elena; Dias, Adriano; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Silva-Migueis, Helena; Cardoso, Paola; López-López, Daniel; Gómez-Salgado, Juan (Frontiers, 2023-07-05)
      [Abstract] Objectives: Depression is a condition that can be associated with other illnesses, especially chronic illnesses. Lower limb lymphedema is a chronic, disabling condition that can affect the quality of life and ...
    • Ratphones: an affordable tool for highly controlled sound presentation in freely moving rats 

      Valente, Mafalda; Castiñeiras-de Saa, Juan R.; Renart, Alfonso; Pardo-Vázquez, José L. (Society for Neuroscience, 2023-05-25)
      [Abstract] Encoding and processing sensory information is key to understanding the environment and to guiding behavior accordingly. Characterizing the behavioral and neural correlates of these processes requires the ...