Optimization of an acoustic intensity P-U probe design using numerical methods
Optimization of an acoustic intensity P-U probe design using numerical methodsAuthor(s)
Prieto Aneiros, AndrésDate
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de InformáticaDescription
Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.INF). Matemática industrial. Curso 2017/2018Abstract
[Abstract] In this master thesis a mathematical model for an acoustic P-U probe
is stated and solved numerically. Firstly, the acoustic problem stated in
a bounded domain is studied, and then this analysis is extended to an
unbounded domain. The acoustic governing equation used in all cases is the
Helmholtz equation. Throughout this master thesis, the data associated to
boundary conditions are given by a monopole solution and plane waves of
di erent heading angles. Moreover, the Perfect Matched Layers technique
is used to simulate the free eld conditions. Any of the acoustic problems
described in this work are discretized by means of the Finite Element
Method, which is implemented in a computer code using the Python library,
FEniCS. Finally, the optimization of the geometry of the P-U probe is made
and the numerical results are shown in detail.
Acoustic probe
Perfect matched layers
Finite element method
Mathematical modelling
Numerical simulation
Parametric optimization
Perfect matched layers
Finite element method
Mathematical modelling
Numerical simulation
Parametric optimization
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