Recent Submissions

  • Egyptian Fractional Numerals 

    López Palma, Helena (Widmaier Verlag Hamburg, 2015)
    [Abstract] Egyptian fractional numerals are partitive expressions of two types: (a) A simple substantive specific for naming the natural fractions ‘half’ gs, ‘quarter’ hsb, ‘third’ r, ‘two thirds’ r.wj. (b) A complex ...
  • Plural indefinite descriptions with unos and the interpretation of number 

    López Palma, Helena (Walter De Gryter, 2007-12-21)
    [Abstract] It has been noticed that indefinite descriptions with the Spanish determiner unos (plural-“one”) have a group denotation (Villalta 1994). That meaning has been explained within DRT (Laca and Tasmowski 1996, ...