Mostrando ítems 21-25 de 62

    • The Role of Prior Achievement as an Antecedent to Student Homework Engagement 

      Piñeiro, Isabel; Estévez, Iris; Freire, Carlos; Caso Fuertes, Ana María de; Souto-Seijo, Alba; González-Sanmamed, Mercedes (Frontiers, 2019-02-01)
      [Abstract] The benefits of homework on student learning and academic achievement, to a large extent, depend on the degree of student engagement. Motivational engagement (my intention or why I do the homework), cognitive ...
    • Motivational profiles in high school students : differences in behavioural and emotional homework engagement and academic achievement 

      Regueiro, Bibiana; Núñez, José Carlos; Valle, Antonio; Piñeiro, Isabel; Rodríguez, Susana; Rosário, Pedro (International Union of Psychological Science, 2016-12-12)
      [Abstract] This work examined whether combinations of academic and non-academic goals generated different motivational profiles in high school students. Besides, differences in homework behavioural engagement (i.e. amount ...
    • Intrinsic motivation and perceived utility as predictors of student homework engagement 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Piñeiro, Isabel; Regueiro, Bibiana; Estévez, Iris (Universidad de País Vasco, 2020-06-18)
      [Abstract] The value assigned to, including the utility value, is behind the students’ choices and their degree of engagement, effort and persistence with learning activities and, finally, explains academic achievement. ...
    • Bullying According to Gender, and Immigration Background in Spanish Students 

      Piñeiro, Isabel; López-Castro, Leticia; González-Suárez, Rocío; Rodríguez, Susana; Valle, Antonio (Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Oviedo ; Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2022)
      [Abstract] Background: Boys are more frequent aggressors than girls, but there are no conclusive findings on gender differences in victimization. There is a relationship between immigration background and bullying, but ...
    • Time spent and time management in homework in elementary school students : a person-centered approach 

      Valle, Antonio; Piñeiro, Isabel; Rodríguez, Susana; Regueiro, Bibiana; Freire, Carlos; Rosário, Pedro (Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Oviedo ; Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2019)
      [Abstract] Background: Based on a person-centered approach, the aim ofthis study is to identify different profi les of students based on the time they spend on homework and the use they make of that time; as well as analyzing ...