Mostrando ítems 231-235 de 572

    • El contrabando de tabaco y el consulado de Francia en Galicia en los años treinta del siglo XVIII 

      García Hurtado, Manuel-Reyes (UPTC, 2023-07-03)
      [Resumen] El consulado de Francia en Galicia tuvo que hacer frente a la defensa de los intereses comerciales de su Corona, en un territorio donde se vigilaba muy estrechamente la actividad del contrabando, singularmente ...
    • Characterisation of electrical power systems based on electrical curves and their properties 

      Ventura, J.; Martínez, F.; Castro-Santos, Laura; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Alcayde, A.; Montoya, F.G. (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: Due to the proliferation of renewable energy systems, the study of voltage and frequency stability is a crucial aspect. Recently, this problem has been approached from a purely geometrical point of view with ...
    • DSUALMH-A new high-resolution dataset for NILM 

      Rodríguez-Navarro, C.; Alcayde, A.; Isanbaev, V.; Castro-Santos, Laura; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Montoya, F.G. (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: The optimisation of energy consumption requires a reasonably accurate measurement, so an appropriate and advanced monitoring system of the relevant electrical variables in the electrical installations is of ...
    • A tool to select offshore renewable energy facilities. The case of study of shipyards and ports in Spain 

      Fernández-Leal, Fernando; Castro-Santos, Laura; Rubial Yáñez, Pablo; Lamas, M.I.; Cordal Iglesias, David; Alcayde, A.; Montoya, F.G.; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: The objective of this work is to create a tool that serves to know the possibilities of manufacturing, storage, assembly, and maintenance of floating marine structures trying to take advantage of the ports and ...
    • Reconversion of the shipbuilding sector: from production by project to mass production. What is its effect on the LCOE of a wave energy farm? 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Rubial Yáñez, Pablo; Lamas, M.I.; Cordal Iglesias, David; Alcayde, A.; Montoya, F.G.; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: The objective of this work has been to analyze the variation of different economic parameters (Levelized Cost Of Energy and Internal Rate of Return) for two possible ways of manufacturing: production by project ...