Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 71

    • Application of RFID Technology in Patient Tracking and Medication Traceability in Emergency Care 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Cabrero-Canosa, Mariano; Vizoso Hermida, José; Carrajo García, Lino; Llamas Gómez, Daniel; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Martín Herranz, Isabel (Springer Nature, 2012-07-26)
      [Abstract]: One of the most important factors that directly affects the quality of health care is patient safety. Minimize the occurrence of adverse events is one of the main challenges for health professionals. This ...
    • A search for Galactic post-asymptotic giant branch stars in Gaia DR3 

      Manteiga, Minia; González Santamaría, I.; Dafonte, Carlos; Villaver, Eva; Ulla, Ana; Machado, A. (EDP Sciences, 2024)
      [Abstract] Context. When low- and intermediate-mass stars leave the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase, and before they reach the planetary nebula stage, they enter a very brief and rather puzzling stellar evolutionary ...
    • Auditoría Wi-Fi basada en placas de bajo coste 

      Otero Dans, Anxo; Dafonte, Carlos; Fernández, Diego; Cacheda, Fidel; López-Vizcaíno, Manuel F.; Nóvoa, Francisco (Universidade da Coruña, 2021)
      [Resumen]: En la actualidad, el uso de redes inalámbricas crece exponencialmente en entornos empresariales de todo tipo. Si bien es cierto que existen una gran cantidad de soluciones en el ámbito de auditoría de redes ...
    • Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry 

      Manteiga, Minia; Álvarez, M. A.; Santoveña, Raúl; Panuzzo, P.; Pallas-Quintela, Lara; Garabato, D.; Gómez García, Ángel; Dafonte, Carlos; González Santamaría, I.; Torralba Elipe, Guillermo; Župić, Andrija (EDP Sciences, 2024)
      [Abstract] Context. Gravitational waves from black-hole (BH) merging events have revealed a population of extra-galactic BHs residing in short-period binaries with masses that are higher than expected based on most stellar ...
    • Gaia Focused Product Release: Radial velocity time series of long-period variables 

      Trabucchi, M.; Manteiga, Minia; Garabato, D.; Álvarez, M. A.; Dafonte, Carlos; Gómez García, Ángel; González Santamaría, I.; Torralba Elipe, Guillermo (EDP Sciences, 2023)
      [Abstract] Context. The third Gaia Data Release (DR3) provided photometric time series of more than 2 million long-period variable (LPV) candidates. Anticipating the publication of full radial-velocity data planned with ...