• Personalized Virtual Reality Environments for Intervention with People with Disability 

      Lagos Rodríguez, Manuel; Gómez García, Ángel; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier; Pousada, Thais (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] Background: Virtual reality (VR) is a technological resource that allows the generation of an environment of great realism while achieving user immersion. The purpose of this project is to use VR as a complementary ...
    • Phosphorus-Rich Stars With Unusual Abundances Are Challenging Theoretical Predictions 

      Masseron, Thomas; García-Hernández, D. A.; Santoveña, Raúl; Manchado, Arturo; Zamora, Olga; Manteiga, Minia; Dafonte, Carlos (Nature Publishing Group, 2020-08-04)
      [Abstract] Almost all chemical elements have been made by nucleosynthetic reactions in various kind of stars and have been accumulated along our cosmic history. Among those elements, the origin of phosphorus is of extreme ...
    • Planetary Nebulae in Gaia EDR3: Central Star Identification, Properties, and Binarity 

      González Santamaría, I.; Manteiga, Minia; Manchado, Arturo; Ulla, Ana; Dafonte, Carlos; López-Varela, Pablo (EDP Science, 2021)
      [Abstract] Context. The Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3), published in December 2020, features improved photometry and astrometry compared to that published in the previous DR2 file and includes a substantially larger ...
    • QKDNetSim+: Improvement of the quantum network simulator for NS-3 

      Soler, David; Cillero Seijas, Iván; Dafonte, Carlos; Fernández Veiga, Manuel; Fernández Vilas, Ana; Nóvoa, Francisco (Elsevier, 2024)
      [Abstract]: The first Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks are currently being deployed, but the implementation cost is still prohibitive for most researchers. As such, there is a need for realistic QKD network simulators. ...
    • Safety and Traceability in Patient Healthcare through the Integration of RFID Technology for Intravenous Mixtures in the Prescription-Validation-Elaboration-Dispensation-Administration Circuit to Day Hospital Patients 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Dafonte, Carlos
      This work presents the integration of the RFID technology with the aim of ensuring the traceability of patients and minimization of adverse events during the process of prescription-validation-elaboration-dispensation-ad ...
    • Signal Processing Techniques Intended for Peculiar Star Detection in APOGEE Survey 

      Santovena, Raul; Manchado, Arturo; Dafonte, Carlos (M D P I AG, 2019-08-01)
      [Abstract] Like other disciplines, Astronomy faces the era of Big Data, where the analyses and discovery of specific objects is a significant and non-trivial matter. The APOGEE survey and Gaia mission are good examples of ...
    • Solid confirmation of the broad DIB around 864.8nm using stacked Gaia–RVS spectra 

      Zhao, H.; Schultheis, Mathias; Zwitter, Tomaž; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.; Panuzzo, P.; Sartoretti, P.; Seabroke, G. M.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Laverny, Patrick de; Kordopatis, Georges; Creevey, Orlagh; Dharmawardena, Thavisha; Frémat, Yves; Sordo, Rosanna; Drimmel, Ronald; Marshall, D.J.; Alonso Palicio, Pedro; Contursi, G.; Álvarez, M. A.; Baker, Steven; Benson, K.; Cropper, M.; Dolding, C.; Huckle, H. E.; Smith, M.; Marchal, O.; Ordenovic, C.; Pailler, F.; Slezak, I. (EDP Sciences, 2022)
      [Abstract]: Context. Studies of the correlation between different diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are important for exploring their origins. However, the Gaia–RVS spectral window between 846 and 870 nm contains few DIBs, ...
    • Stellar ages, masses, extinctions, and orbital parameters based on spectroscopic parameters of Gaia DR3 

      Kordopatis, Georges; Schultheis, Mathias; McMillan, Paul J.; Palicio, Pedro Alonso; de Laverny, Patrick; Recio-Blanco, A.; Creevey, Orlagh; Álvarez, M. A.; Andrae, René; Poggio, Eloisa; Spitoni, Emanuele; Contursi, G.; Zhao, H.; Oreshina-Slezak, I.; Ordenovic, C.; Bijaoui, Albert (EDP Sciences, 2023)
      [Abstract]: Gaia's third data release provides radial velocities for 33 million stars and spectroscopically derived atmospheric parameters for more than 5 million targets. When combined with the astrometric data, these ...
    • System Based on RFID Technology for Product Transport Tracking 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Dafonte, Carlos; Gómez García, Ángel (M D P I AG, 2017-11-29)
      [Abstract] This work focuses on the development of a radio-frequency identification (RFID) system devoted to real-time traceability of products shipped by transportation companies.
    • The cerium content of the Milky Way as revealed by Gaia DR3 GSP-Spec abundances 

      Contursi, G.; Laverny, Patrick de; Recio-Blanco, A.; Spitoni, Emanuele; Palicio, Pedro Alonso; Poggio, Eloisa; Grisoni, V.; Cescutti, Gabriele; Matteucci, Francesca; Spina, L.; Álvarez, M. A.; Kordopatis, Georges (EDP Sciences, 2023)
      [Abstract]: The recent Gaia third data release contains a homogeneous analysis of millions of high-quality Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) stellar spectra by the GSP-Spec module. This led to the estimation of millions ...
    • The Development of an RFID Solution to Facilitate the Traceability of Patient and Pharmaceutical Data 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Dafonte, Carlos (M D P I AG, 2017-09-29)
      [Abstract] One of the principal objectives of hospitals is to increase the quality of care of the patient. This is even more of a priority in Day Hospitals where certain medication requires special attention, from its ...
    • The Gaia mission 

      Prusti, T.; Manteiga, Minia; Álvarez, M. A.; Arcay, Bernardino; Dafonte, Carlos; Garabato, D.; Fustes, D.; Liu, C.; Bruijne, J. H. J. de; Brown, A. G. A. (EDP Sciences, 2016-11)
      [Abstract]: Gaia is a cornerstone mission in the science programme of the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA). The spacecraft construction was approved in 2006, following a study in which the original interferometric concept was ...
    • The Integration of RFID Technology into Business Settings 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Dafonte, Carlos; Gómez García, Ángel (MDPI AG, 2019-07-22)
      [Abstract] At present, the term Internet of Things (IoT) is a key aspect in determining the sustainability, safety, quality and efficiency of the majority of the most important business sectors in society. The capacity to ...
    • Traceability in Patient Healthcare through the Integration of RFID Technology in an ICU in a Hospital 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Dafonte, Carlos; Gómez García, Ángel (M D P I AG, 2018-05-19)
      [Abstract] Patient safety is a principal concern for health professionals in the care process and it is, therefore, necessary to provide information management systems to each unit of the hospital, capable of tracking ...
    • Tracking and Minimization of Adverse Events in the Patient Care Process while in a Hospital Emergency Service Area 

      Martínez Pérez, María; Dafonte, Carlos; Pérez Boado, Ana Belén; Gómez García, Ángel (M D P I AG, 2019-11-20)
      [Abstract] The aim of this work was to integrate and computerize into a single program the most important tasks in the process of prescription, dispensation, and administration of medication to patients during their stay ...
    • Virtual reality at the service of people with functional diversity: personalized intervention spaces 

      Lagos, Manuel; Martín, Jessica; Gómez García, Ángel; Pousada, Thais (MDPI, 2021-10-20)
      [Abstract] Virtual reality allows to generate an environment of great realism, while achieving the immersion of the user in it. The purpose of this project is to use this technology as a complementary tool in the rehabilitation ...