Mostrando ítems 16-20 de 52

    • Address Space Layout Randomization Comparative Analysis on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 

      Vázquez Díaz, Raquel; Rivera-Dourado, Martiño; Pérez-Jove, Rubén; Vila Avendaño, Pilar; Vázquez-Naya, José (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Memory management is one of the main tasks of an Operating System, where the data of each process running in the system is kept. In this context, there exist several types of attacks that exploit memory-related ...
    • PRACTICUM DIRECT Simulator for Decision Making during Pandemics 

      Puente-Castro, Alejandro; Galdo, Brais; Said-Criado, Ismael; Baltar Boileve, David; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Pazos, A.; Martínez Pillado, Modesto (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] The past and current situation of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has put the entire society, and especially all hospital systems, worldwide to the test. It is essential that health system managers and decision makers ...
    • ASD Module: a software to support the personal autonomy in the daily life of children with autism spectrum disorder 

      Groba, Betania; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Pousada, Thais; Falcón, Susana; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Pazos, A. (MDPI, 2015-12-04)
      [Abstract] Introduction: It was observed that technology developers expressed a clear interest to design programs that meet the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Several authors indicate that any ...
    • Enhancing Decision-making Systems with Relevant Patient Information by Leveraging Clinical Notes 

      Almeida, João Rafael; Figueira Silva, Joáo; Pazos, A.; Matos, Sergio; Oliveira, José Luís (Science and Technology Publications, 2020)
      [Abstract] Hospitalised patients suffering from secondary illnesses that require daily medication typically need personalised treatment. Although clinical guidelines were designed considering those circumstances, existing ...
    • Developing an Open-Source, Low-Cost, Radon Monitoring System 

      Alvarellos, Alberto; Rabuñal, Juan R. (MDPI AG, 2020-08-24)
      [Abstract] The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have declared Radon gas a human carcinogen. Spain has several regions with high radon ...