• A genetic algorithms-based approach for optimizing similarity aggregation in ontology matching 

      Martínez-Romero, Marcos; Vázquez-Naya, José; Nóvoa, Francisco; Vázquez, Guillermo; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Springer, 2013)
      [Abstract] Ontology matching consists of finding the semantic relations between different ontologies and is widely recognized as an essential process to achieve an adequate interoperability between people, systems or ...
    • Address Space Layout Randomization Comparative Analysis on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 

      Vázquez Díaz, Raquel; Rivera-Dourado, Martiño; Pérez-Jove, Rubén; Vila Avendaño, Pilar; Vázquez-Naya, José (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Memory management is one of the main tasks of an Operating System, where the data of each process running in the system is kept. In this context, there exist several types of attacks that exploit memory-related ...
    • Applying Artificial Intelligence for Operating System Fingerprinting 

      Pérez-Jove, Rubén; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Pazos, A.; Vázquez-Naya, José (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] In the field of computer security, the possibility of knowing which specific version of an operating system is running behind a machine can be useful, to assist in a penetration test or monitor the devices ...
    • Design and Implementation of a Physical Bitcoin Coin 

      Femenias-Hermida, Alberto; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Vázquez-Naya, José (MDPI AG, 2020-08-20)
      [Abstract] One of the major factors hindering the adoption of crypto assets in general, and Bitcoin in particular, is the high level of complexity they present to the common user. Although physical coins are a possible ...
    • Development of an Open Source Tool and a Multi-Platform for Generation of Forensic Reports 

      Marti, Mireia; Vila Avendaño, Pilar; Vázquez-Naya, José (MDPI AG, 2020-08-27)
      [Abstract] Computer Forensics is a science that is part of computer security and focuses on identifying, preserving, analyzing and presenting electronic evidence that has been found on a device. This process has to be ...
    • Implementing a Web Application for W3C WebAuthn Protocol Testing 

      Rivera-Dourado, Martiño; Gestal, M.; Vázquez-Naya, José (MDPI AG, 2020-08-18)
      [Abstract] During the last few years, the FIDO Alliance and the W3C have been working on a new standard called WebAuthn that aims to substitute the obsolete password as an authentication method by using physical security ...