Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 111

    • A model for predicting dropouts from physical activity interventions in leisure centres 

      Clavel San Emeterio, Iván; Iglesias-Soler, Eliseo; Gallardo, Leonor; Mayo, Xián; García-Unanue, Jorge (Springer Nature, 2020)
      [Abstract]: Leisure centres are one of the main places where people exercise. This study investigated the behaviour of these users for a year to analyse the plausible difference in behaviour between users dropping out and ...
    • The penalties and scores by events, to predict victory and defeat according to when the contest ends in elite judo contests 

      Dopico-Calvo, Xurxo; Mayo, Xián; Santos, Luis; Carballeira, Eduardo; Clavel San Emeterio, Iván; Ceylan, Bayram; Kons, Rafael Lima; Iglesias-Soler, Eliseo (Universidad de León (España), 2024)
      [Abstract]: The main aim of this study was to ascertain whether the victory and defeat in the different types of the judo contest, in the elite male and female divisions, are associated to the occurrence of the penalties ...
    • Predictive performance models in marathon based on half‑marathon, age group and pacing behavior 

      Varela-Sanz, Adrián; Muñoz-Pérez, I.; Castañeda-Babarro, Arkaitz; Santisteban, A. (Springer, 2024-01-12)
      [Abstract] : Objective The main aim of this study was to develop an equation for predicting performance in 42.2 km (MRT) using pacing and packing behavior, age group and previous 21.1 km time as possible explanatory ...
    • Sedentary behavior and physical inactivity from a comprehensive perspective 

      Rial-Vázquez, Jessica; Rey-Brandariz, Julia; Varela-Lema, Leonor; Santiago-Pérez, M. I.; Candal Pedreira, Cristina; Guerra Tort, Carla; Ruano-Ravina, Alberto; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica (Elsevier, 2023-12-05)
      [Abstract]: Objective: To characterize the prevalence of physical activity in the population aged ≥16 years integrating sedentarism and physical inactivity. Method: A cross-sectional study using data from the Galician Risk ...
    • Actividad física en el embarazo y puerperio: prevalencia y recomendaciones de los profesionales sanitarios 

      Rial-Vázquez, Jessica; Vila-Farinas, Andrea; Varela-Lema, Leonor; Santiago-Pérez, M. I.; Rey-Brandariz, Julia; Candal Pedreira, Cristina; Pérez-Ríos, Mónica (Elsevier, 2023-03-29)
      [Resumen] Objetivo: Valorar los cambios en la realización de actividad física (AF) en el embarazo y después del parto y explorarlo en función de la edad y el nivel de estudios. Analizar si los profesionales sanitarios ...