GI-GTEC - Congresos, conferencias, etc.
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An IoT and Blockchain Based System for Monitoring and Tracking Real-Time Occupancy for COVID-19 Public Safety
(MDPI, 2020-11-14)[Abstract]: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought several limitations regarding physical distancing in order to reduce the interactions among large groups that could have prolonged close contact. For health reasons, such ... -
Analysis, Design and Practical Validation of an Augmented Reality Teaching System Based on Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Edge Computing
(MDPI, 2020-11-14)[Absctract]: In recent years, the education sector has incorporated the use of new technologies and computing devices into classrooms, which allowed for implementing new ways for enhancing teaching and learning. One of ... -
Implementación de una suite gráfica para reforzar el aprendizaje en representación de contenido multimedia
(2019)[Resumen]: Las prácticas de las asignaturas en los grados de Ingeniería Informática se diseñan habitualmente para que los estudiantes formulen y construyan la solución a un determinado problema usando algún lenguaje de ... -
Real-time validation of a SDR implementation of TDD WiMAX standard
(The Wireless Innovation Forum, 2013)[Abstract]: This paper focuses on the validation of an innovative software- defined radio architecture for a WiMAX system based on commercially available field-programmable gate array and digital signal processor modules. ... -
Evolving military broadband wireless communication systems: WiMAX, LTE and WLAN
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016)[Abstract]: Emerging technologies for mobile broadband wireless are being considered as a Commercial Off-The-Shelf solution to cover the operational requirements of the future warfare. The capabilities of these technologies ...