Now showing items 6-10 of 56

    • Thixotropy and interlayer bond strength of self-compacting recycled concrete 

      González-Taboada, Iris; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Martínez-Abella, Fernando; Seara Paz, Sindy (Elsevier, 2018)
      [Abstract:] This work is focused on assessing the thixotropy of self-compacting recycled concrete (SCRC) and on evaluating the interlayer bond strength. To do so, four SCRC mixes with 0%, 20%, 50%, and 100% of recycled ...
    • Impact of mussel shell aggregates on air lime mortars. Pore structure and carbonation 

      Martínez-García, Carolina; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Carro-López, Diego; Martínez-Abella, Fernando (Elsevier, 2019)
      [Abstract:] Galician “Rías”·conditions (extension, water temperature …. ) enable the production of excellent quality cultured mussels. This leads Spain to be the third producer country in the world. Cannery industry (35% ...
    • Design and properties of cement coating with mussel shell fine aggregate 

      Martínez-García, Carolina; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Carro-López, Diego; Martínez-Abella, Fernando (Elsevier, 2019)
      [Abstract:] The production of farmed mussels amounts to millions of tonnes across over 40 countries. Shell waste resulting from this production has a very significant environmental impact. In Galicia, mussel shell waste ...
    • Comparing circulating fluidised bed fly ash and limestone as additions for cement 

      Carro-López, Diego; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Eiras López, Javier; Seara Paz, Sindy (Emerald Publishing, 2019)
      [Abstract:] Circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) power plants produce as by-product large ash particles with elevated calcium content. They are not commonly accepted as addition for cement although presenting ...
    • Masonry and render mortars with tyre rubber as aggregate: Fresh state rheology and hardened state performances 

      Di Mundo, Rosa; Seara Paz, Sindy; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Notarnicola, Michele (Elsevier, 2020)
      [Abstract:] This work shows how it is possible to tailor cement-rubber composites suitable as renders and masonry mortars with a reduced liquid water absorption. Recycled tyre rubber is used as aggregate in mixture with ...