Mostrando ítems 26-30 de 63

    • Assessment of the permeability to aggressive agents of concrete with recycled cement and mixed recycled aggregate 

      Cantero, B.; Bravo, Miguel; de Brito, J; Sáez del Bosque, Isabel F.; Medina Martínez, César (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract:] Acceptance by the construction industry of recycled concrete as a sustainable alternative material is contingent upon a reliable assessment of its permeability to corrosive agents. This study analyses the ...
    • Industrial low-clinker precast elements using recycled aggregates 

      Thomas, Carlos; Cimentada, Ana Isabel; Cantero, B.; Sáez del Bosque, Isabel F.; Polanco, Juan A. (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract:] Increasing amounts of sustainable concretes are being used as society becomes more aware of the environment. This paper attempts to evaluate the properties of precast concrete elements formed with recycled ...
    • Thermal performance of concrete with recycled concrete powder as partial cement replacement and recycled CDW aggregate 

      Cantero, B.; Bravo, Miguel; de Brito, J; Sáez del Bosque, Isabel F.; Medina Martínez, César (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract:] This novel study was triggered by a lack in the international literature of the simultaneous use of ground recycled concrete (GRC) as a cement replacement and mixed recycled aggregate as part of the granular ...
    • Certificación energética en BIM 

      Garrido Iglesias, André; Seara Paz, Sindy; Pérez Ordóñez, Juan Luis (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019)
      [Abstract]: The BIM methodology stands out for trying to group the different stages of design, management, maintenance and even demolition and reincorporation into the environment of a building. These stages, also known ...
    • Cunchas de mexillón para o desenvolvemento do material de construción 

      Martínez-García, Carolina; González-Fonteboa, Belén; Carro-López, Diego (ADEGA (Asociación para a Defensa Ecolóxica de Galiza), 2021)
      [Resumo:] Proxecto Biovalvo, desenvolvido polo Grupo de Construción da Universidade da Coruña (UDC) e coa participación de diversas empresas, incluíu entre os seus obxectivos a aplicación das cunchas de mexillón como ...