Mostrando ítems 6-10 de 94

    • Size effects on the tensile strength and fracture toughness of granitic rock in different tests 

      Pérez-Rey, Ignacio; Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea; González-Fernández, Manuel A.; Muñiz-Menéndez, Mauro; Herbón-Penabad, Miguel; Estévez-Ventosa, Xian; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Alejano, Leandro R. (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract:] This study investigates the tensile failure mechanisms in granitic rock samples at different scales by means of different types of tests. To do that, we have selected a granitic rock type and obtained samples ...
    • Plastic Debris in Lakes and Reservoirs 

      Nava, Verónica; Chandra, Sudeep; Aherne, Julian; Alfonso, María Belén; Antão-Geraldes, Ana Maria; Attermeyer, Katrin; Bao, Roberto; Bartrons, Mireia; Berger, Stella A.; Biernaczyk, Marcin; Bissen, Raphael; Brookes, Justin D.; Brown, David; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; Canle, Moisés; Capelli, Camilla; Carballeira, Rafael; Cereijo Arango, José Luis; Chawchai, Sakonvan; Christensen, Søren Thromsholdt; Christoffersen, Kirsten Seestern; Eyto, Elvira de; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Dornan, Tyler; Doubek, Jonathan; Dusaucy, Julia; Erina, Oxana; Ersoy, Zeynep; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Frezzotti, Maria Luce; Galafassi, Silvia; Gateuille, David; Gonçalves, Vítor; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Hamilton, David P.; Harris, Theodore; Kangur, Külli; Başaran Kankılıç, Gökben; Kessler, Rebecca; Kiel, Christine; Krynak, Edward M.; Leiva-Presa, Àngels; Lepori, Fabio; Matias, Miguel G.; Matsuzaki, Shin-ichiro; McElarney, Yvonne; Messyasz, Beata; Mitchell, Mark; Mlambo, Musa C.; Motitsoe, Samuel Nkopane; Nandini, S.; Orlandi, Valentina; Owens, Caroline; Özkundakci, Deniz; Pinnow, Solvig; Pociecha, Agnieszka; Raposeiro, Pedro; Rõõm, Eva-Ingrid; Rotta, Federica; Salmaso, Nico; Sarma, S. S. S.; Sartirana, Davide; Scordo, Facundo; Sibomana, Claver; Siewert, Daniel; Stepanowska, Katarzyna Ewa; Tavşanoğlu, Ülkü Nihan; Tereshina, Maria; Thompson, James; Tolotti, Monica; Valois, Amanda; Verburg, Piet; Welsh, Brittany; Wesolek, Brian; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa; Wu, Naicheng; Zawisza, Edyta; Zink, Lauren; Leoni, Barbara (Springer Nature, 2023)
      [Abstract] Plastic debris is thought to be widespread in freshwater ecosystems globally1. However, a lack of comprehensive and comparable data makes rigorous assessment of its distribution challenging2,3. Here we present ...
    • Urban pluvial flood modelling in the absence of sewer drainage network data: a physics-based approach 

      Montalvo Montenegro, Carlos Israel; Reyes-Silva, Julián David; Sañudo, Esteban; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo (Elsevier, 2024)
      [Abstract:] 1D/2D dual drainage models have become one of the most useful tools in the study of urban pluvial floods. However, such models require information about the sewer network that is not always readily available. ...
    • Modelización numérica de inundaciones fluviales 

      Bladé, Ernest; Cea, Luis; Corestein, Georgina (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014)
      [Resumen:] La modelización numérica del flujo de agua en ríos es una herramienta que ayuda a dar respuesta a la legislación vigente europea y española referida a riesgo de inundación. Los modelos numéricos disponibles ...
    • A continuous simulation approach for the estimation of extreme flood inundation in coastal river reaches affected by meso- and macrotides 

      Cea, Luis; Sopelana Peralta, Javier; Ruano, Silda (Springer, 2018)
      [Abstract:] Considering the joint probability of occurrence of high sea levels and river discharges, as well as the interactions between these sources of flooding, is of major importance to produce realistic inundation ...