• La adolescencia vista desde la epigenética 

      Ramírez, Karla; Fernández, Rosa; Delgado Zayas, Enrique; Cortés-Cortés, Joselyn; Pásaro, Eduardo (Universidade da Coruña, 2019)
      [Resumen] La adolescencia es el proceso en donde se produce la transformación de niño en adulto, por tanto, es un período de transición crítico e intenso, que tiene características peculiares como la inestabilidad y el ...
    • Analysis of Four Polymorphisms Located at the Promoter of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha ESR1 Gene in a Population With Gender Incongruence 

      Fernández, Rosa; Delgado-Zayas, Enrique; Ramírez, Karla; Cortés-Cortés, Joselyn; Gómez-Gil, Esther; Esteva de Antonio, Isabel; Almaraz, María Cruz; Guillamón, Antonio; Pásaro, Eduardo (2020)
      [Abstract] Introduction: Gender incongruence defines a state in which individuals feel discrepancy between the sex assigned at birth and their gender. Some of these people make a social transition from male to female ...
    • Atención sanitaria en España a personas transexuales y con variantes de género: historia y evolución 

      Gómez-Gil, Esther; Esteva de Antonio, Isabel; Almaraz, María Cruz; Asenjo Araque, Nuria; Fernández Rodríguez, María; Hurtado Murillo, Felipe; Pérez-Luis, Jesús; Sanisidro Fontecha, Carmen; Gallardo Borge, Laura; Montejo González, Ángel Luis; Fernández, Rosa (Singlantana, 2019-10)
      [Resumen] Objetivos: El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cronológicamente los inicios y evolución de la atención sanitaria en España a la transexualidad y variantes de género. Metodología: Se realiza un estudio ...
    • CBLL1 is hypomethylated and correlates with cortical thickness in transgender men before gender affirming hormone treatment 

      Fernández, Rosa; Zubiaurre-Elorza, Leire; Santisteban, Andrea; Ojeda, Natalia; Collet, Sarah; Kiyar, Meltem; T’Sjoen, Guy; Mueller, Sven C.; Guillamon, Antonio; Pásaro, Eduardo (Springer Nature, 2023-12)
      [Abstract] Gender identity refers to the consciousness of being a man, a woman or other condition. Although it is generally congruent with the sex assigned at birth, for some people it is not. If the incongruity is ...
    • Editorial: Research in Transgender Healthcare: What Have We Learned and Where Are We Going? 

      Fernández, Rosa; Burke, Sarah M. (2022)
      [Abstract] Gender incongruence (GI) is defined as “an individual’s discontent with their assigned gender and their identification with a gender other than that associated with their birth sex based on physical sex ...
    • Epigenetics Is Implicated in the Basis of Gender Incongruence: An Epigenome-Wide Association Analysis 

      Ramirez, Karla; Fernández, Rosa; Collet, Sarah; Meltem, Kiyat; Delgado-Zayas, Enrique; Gómez-Gil, Esther; Van Den Eynde, Tibbert; T’Sjoen, Guy; Guillamon, Antonio; Mueller, Sven C.; Pásaro, Eduardo (2021)
      [Abstract] Introduction: The main objective was to carry out a global DNA methylation analysis in a population with gender incongruence before gender-affirming hormone treatment (GAHT), in comparison to a cisgender ...
    • Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy Modifies the CpG Methylation Pattern of the ESR1 Gene Promoter After Six Months of Treatment in Transmen 

      Fernández, Rosa; Ramírez, Karla; Gómez-Gil, Esther; Cortés-Cortés, Joselyn; Mora, Mireia; Aranda, Gloria; Delgado Zayas, Enrique; Esteva de Antonio, Isabel; Almaraz, María Cruz; Guillamón, Antonio; Pásaro, Eduardo (2020)
      [Abstract] Background Brain sexual differentiation is a process that results from the effects of sex steroids on the developing brain. Evidence shows that epigenetics plays a main role in the formation of enduring brain ...
    • Implications of the Estrogen Receptor Coactivators SRC1 and SRC2 in the Biological Basis of Gender Incongruence 

      Del Valle Ramírez, Karla; Fernández, Rosa; Delgado-Zayas, Enrique; Gómez-Gil, Esther; Esteva de Antonio, Isabel; Guillamon, Antonio; Pásaro, Eduardo (2021)
      [Abstract] Introduction Brain sexual differentiation results from the effects of sex steroids on the developing brain. The presumptive route for brain masculinization is the direct induction of gene expression via activation ...
    • Nuevos modelos de atención sanitaria para las personas transgénero en el sistema sanitario español: demandas, controversias y reflexiones 

      Gómez-Gil, Esther; Esteva de Antonio, Isabel; Fernández Rodríguez, María; Almaraz, María Cruz; Hurtado Murillo, Felipe; Gómez Balaguer, Marcelino; Asenjo Araque, Nuria; Mora Porta, Mireia; Halperin Rabinovich, Irene; Fernández, Rosa; Montejo González, Ángel Luis; Grupo Gidseen (2020)
      [Resumen] La atención sanitaria a las personas transgénero en España se ha establecido de manera progresiva desde 1999, año en que Andalucía crea la primera unidad multidisciplinar para el tratamiento integral de la ...
    • The Effects of Testosterone on the Brain of Transgender Men 

      Zubiaurre-Elorza, Leire; Cerdán, Sebastian; Uribe, Carme; Pérez-Laso, Carmen; Marcos, Alberto; Rodríguez del Cerro, Mª Cruz; Fernández, Rosa; Pásaro, Eduardo; Guillamon, Antonio (Mary Ann Liebert, 2021)
      [Abstract] Transgender men (TM) experience an incongruence between the female sex assigned when they were born and their self-perceived male identity. Some TM seek for a gender affirming hormone treatment (GAHT) to induce a ...