IUX-CULXEO - Artigos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-5 of 64
Islas Cíes: una trampa eólica en la Ría de Vigo (Galicia, España) al final del último glaciar
(Sociedad Geológica de España, 2021)[Resumen] Las Islas Cíes han constituido un obstáculo para los intensos vientos costeros del Atlántico Norte, especialmente durante las fases glaciares del Cuaternario. Al final del último glaciar el mar descendió más ... -
Study of the Geochemical Decay and Environmental Causes of Granite Stone Surfaces in the Built Heritage of Barbanza Peninsula (Galicia, NW Spain)
(MDPI, 2024)[Abstract] In Galicia (NW Spain), granite was the most used stone material in historical buildings. Despite the good properties of granite as a construction material, it overcomes several physical and chemical weathering ... -
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Mortar Dating Inter-Comparison Study. The Second Round of Modis, Mortar Dating Inter-Comparison Study
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)[Abstract] After an intercomparison age experiment carried out in the framework of the first MODIS (MOrtar Dating Inter-comparison Study) project, the results showed general agreement both between optically stimulated ... -
What Is Darapskite? Some Reflections on How Artificial Intelligence Could Promote an Academic Gap
(MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] Two AI chatbots were tested with questions regarding a relatively minor mineral species. There were several issues with the information provided but the answers were well structured and well written. Nevertheless, ... -
Biomineral deposits and coatings on stone monuments as biodeterioration fingerprints
(Elsevier, 2024)[Abstract] Biominerals deposition processes, also called biomineralisation, are intimately related to biodeterioration on stone surfaces. They include complex processes not always completely well understood. The study of ...