Now showing items 1-20 of 47

    • Analysis and evaluation of MapReduce solutions on an HPC cluster 

      Veiga, Jorge; Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan (Pergamon Press, 2016-02)
      [Abstract] The ever growing needs of Big Data applications are demanding challenging capabilities which cannot be handled easily by traditional systems, and thus more and more organizations are adopting High Performance ...
    • Analysis of I/O Performance on an Amazon EC2 Cluster Compute and High I/O Platform 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer Netherlands, 2013-12)
      [Abstract] Cloud computing is currently being explored by the scientific community to assess its suitability for High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. In this novel paradigm, compute and storage resources, as well ...
    • Automatic mapping of parallel applications on multicore architectures using the Servet benchmark suite 

      González-Domínguez, Jorge; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Martín, María J.; Touriño, Juan (Pergamon Press, 2012-03)
      [Abstract] Servet is a suite of benchmarks focused on detecting a set of parameters with high influence on the overall performance of multicore systems. These parameters can be used for autotuning codes to increase their ...
    • BDWatchdogFaaS: A Tool for Monitoring and Analysis of Functions-as-a-Service in Cloud Environment 

      Framil de Amorín, Manuel; Carpente, Mario; Fraga, David; Enes, Jonatan; Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      BDWatchdog is a framework to assist in the in-depth and real-time analysis of the execution of Big Data frameworks and applications. BDWatchdog was originally developed to monitor Hadoop ecosystems deployed on serverless ...
    • Design and Implementation of an extended collectives library for unified Parallel C 

      Teijeiro Barjas, Carlos; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón; Mouriño, José C.; Mallón, Damián A.; Wibecan, Brian (Springer New York LLC, 2013)
      [Abstract] Unified Parallel C (UPC) is a parallel extension of ANSI C based on the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model, which provides a shared memory view that simplifies code development while it ...
    • Design and Implementation of MapReduce using the PGAS Programming Model with UPC 

      Teijeiro Barjas, Carlos; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2012-01-03)
      [Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require ...
    • Design of efficient Java communications for high performance computing 

      Taboada, Guillermo L. (2009)
      [Abstract] There is an increasing interest to adopt Java as the parallel programming language for the multi-core era. Although Java offers important advantages, such as built-in multithreading and networking support, p ...
    • Design of efficient Java message-passing collectives on multi-core clusters 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2011-02)
      [Abstract] This paper presents a scalable and efficient Message-Passing in Java (MPJ) collective communication library for parallel computing on multi-core architectures. The continuous increase in the number of cores per ...
    • Design of Scalable Java Communication Middleware for Multi-Core Systems 

      Ramos Garea, Sabela; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Expósito, Roberto R.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Oxford University Press, 2013-02-01)
      [Abstract] This paper presents smdev, a shared memory communication middleware for multi-core systems. smdev provides a simple and powerful messaging application program interface that is able to exploit the underlying ...
    • Design of scalable Java message-passing communications over InfiniBand 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2012-07)
      [Abstract] This paper presents ibvdev a scalable and efficient low-level Java message-passing communication device over InfiniBand. The continuous increase in the number of cores per processor underscores the need for ...
    • Device level communication libraries for high‐performance computing in Java 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón; Shafi, Aamir; Baker, Mark; Carpenter, Bryan (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011-12-25)
      [Abstract] Since its release, the Java programming language has attracted considerable attention from the high‐performance computing (HPC) community because of its portability, high programming productivity, and built‐in ...
    • Efficient Java Communication Protocols on High-speed Cluster Interconnects 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2007-02-26)
      [Abstract] This paper presents communication strategies for achieving efficient parallel and distributed Java applications on clusters with high-speed interconnects. Communication performance is critical for the overall ...
    • Enhancing in-memory Efficiency for MapReduce-based Data Processing 

      Veiga Fachal, Jorge; Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan (Academic Press, 2018-10)
      [Abstract] As the memory capacity of computational systems increases, the in-memory data management of Big Data processing frameworks becomes more crucial for performance. This paper analyzes and improves the memory ...
    • Evaluation of Java for General Purpose GPU Computing 

      Docampo, Jorge; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Expósito, Roberto R.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2013-07-01)
      [Abstract] The presence of many-core units as accelerators has been increasing due to their ability to improve the performance of highly parallel workloads. General Purpose GPU(GPGPU) computing has allowed the graphical ...
    • Evaluation of messaging middleware for high-performance cloud computing 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer U K, 2013-12)
      [Abstract] Cloud computing is posing several challenges, such as security, fault tolerance, access interface singularity, and network constraints, both in terms of latency and bandwidth. In this scenario, the performance ...
    • Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Construction and Demolition Waste Management in the European Economic Area 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Seruca, Isabel; Sousa, Cristina; Pereira, Ángeles (M D P I AG, 2020-06-18)
      [Abstract] This paper deals with the efficiency and sustainability of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) management in 30 Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) (the 28 European Union countries plus Norway ...
    • Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Urban Rail Transit 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Han, Liangxiu (MDPI AG, 2020-08-07)
      [Abstract] This paper deals with the efficiency and sustainability of urban rail transit (URT) using exploratory data analytics (EDA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The first stage of the proposed methodology is EDA ...
    • F-MPJ: scalable Java message-passing communications on parallel systems 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2012-04)
      [Abstract] This paper presents F-MPJ (Fast MPJ), a scalable and efficient Message-Passing in Java (MPJ) communication middleware for parallel computing. The increasing interest in Java as the programming language of the ...
    • FastMPJ: a scalable and efficient Java message-passing library 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2014)
      [Abstract] The performance and scalability of communications are key for high performance computing (HPC) applications in the current multi-core era. Despite the significant benefits (e.g., productivity, portability, ...
    • Flame-MR: An event-driven architecture for MapReduce applications 

      Veiga, Jorge; Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan (Elsevier BV * North-Holland, 2016)
      [Abstract] Nowadays, many organizations analyze their data with the MapReduce paradigm, most of them using the popular Apache Hadoop framework. As the data size managed by MapReduce applications is steadily increasing, the ...